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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. lol some of the installs or whatever are too big for the built in storage on the Switch. What's it got? 32 gb?
  2. If you can get a 2060 6 GB then yeah.
  3. lol I was about to say the same thing. For some reason he can't be anything else due to circumstances.
  4. Wonder if remij is still alive..
  5. 1070s might drop hard again when 2060 releases.
  6. If you were going for the 20 series then go 2070
  7. How much VRAM does the 2060 have? If it has at least 4 GB then it should be more than fine at 1080p for a good while. Hold up. What is the standard VRAM on cards these days I haven't even been reading up on that? I know some cards have 12 GB or some crazy shit.. How much does a 2060 have? I can't see it being more than 6 GB right?
  8. VRAM shouldn't be a problem for either of those cards since you are gaming at 1080p/60 I suppose. So until you're ready to go higher res it's probably better to get the cheapest one.
  9. But then again, I'm not sure what benefits the 2060 might have for future games... And I'm sure the 2060 can play 1080p games just fine. Until you are interested in playing pc games in 1080p or higher I doubt either of those cards will make a huge difference. I could be wrong. Yes, the 2060 is newer but I doubt it would have a significant increase in performance but I could be wrong. Anyone want to chime in?
  10. probably 1070.. you know it to be true.
  11. I guess I'll be one of the last lemmings on here.
  12. Never gonna happen.. Cows will be stuck on 1080p graphics for another years at least. I know you guys want 4k but just keep waiting.. Sorry cows. Not sorry;
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