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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Man I remember when I was a kid. My mom used to buy the bagged milk. When the bag was low I used to put the tip directly in to my mouth and pretend I was suckling from a cows teat.
  2. Sorry guys, Kaz wants to talk about Trump. What's on your mind? What did Trump do today?
  3. And god damn, what do the States call a carton of milk since they use the imperial system. We have 1 Litre or 2 Litre milk cartons. What the fuck do you use. Small and large?
  4. I actually don't buy it in bags because when I do buy milk I need the lactose free which only comes in the carton. yhbr
  5. I just heard that my sister is getting laser eye surgery on January 8th.. I'll let know how it goes.
  6. Yeah man.. Gustafsson lost. I'm surprised Cyborg go knocked out. Nunes is a beast.
  7. Their first fight was good. Five rounds. Plus we got Cris Cyborg vs Amanada Nunes and Carlos Condit Vs Michael Chiesa.
  8. We only sell it in bags of 3 which is equivalent to a little over a gallon. There are in 3.78541 liters in a gallon and those bag come in three's to make 4 liters. So you can get over a gallon of milk in this configuration in Canada Or you can do the gallon like in the States.. Have fun pouring it into your glass. Canada also has 1 and 2 liter cartons of milk just like everyone else. It's just that when we sell it in gallons we sell it in three separate poorable bags.
  9. So if there was a vote to add this sign to every waiting room, subway and bus in your city you'd vote yes on it? Good to know I'm posting with little cucks on SW.
  10. Video makes me cringe for this guy. It's almost like he realized that there were two types of people in front of him. A black guy and a full on Trump supporter and thought to himself "what should I do?".. He felt like he had to pick a side at that moment and started scolding the Trump guy. I would have liked to see how this came about a minute or two leading up to this point.
  11. Who doesn't like bagged milk? We muhfuckas drink so much milk that we had to find an easier way to deliver it to our glasses so we came up with this. It's just simple evolution.
  12. How dare you? Oh forgot you're from Quebec right? So this is a joke saying that Quebec is better than all of Canada? I'm sure you believe that.
  13. I wonder if he would have behaved that way if there wasn't another black customer in the shop?
  14. So you think that this no manspreading sign should be put in every bus and subway on the planet? Please explain why this is necessary? If you can't then I'll appreciate if you get your ass out of this thread.
  15. I never the the flu shot. No reason not to either since every pharmacy pretty much offers it and it doesn't cost me anything. Should I get one? May be too late now...
  16. Also this doesn't look legit. Sorry. Who knows what's in that eye juice but I doubt it would hurt your eyes. Still, am I gonna drop some eye juice bought from the internet into my eye? What if it's acid? lmao.. So what can those drops possibly do to our eyeballs to correct vision? Then doing eye muscle exercises and training? what? lol
  17. sounds like voodoo mumbo jumbo. You're probably right but aren't there vision issues related to the eyeball itself as opposed to the ocular muscles? Why would you need a laser to adjust your eye muscles? And laser eye surgery has proven to work and I don't understand how performing eye muscle exercises would help if it's an actual problem with the eyeball that requires some type of surgery. I might be missing something.. would have to read up on it.
  18. That's where the X came from in the naming of Xbox.. Named after Direct X API for Windows.
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