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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I know a guy who did it with amazing results. They even asked him if they wanted to make one eye good for long distance the other better for close. lol
  2. What are we even arguing about here? Whether or not manspreading is okay? So please, let me know if you are for or against manspreading and why? If you don't care then why the fuck are you in my thread. You piece of shit.
  3. Nice comeback.. you got nothing. Turn and walk away now and I won't embarrass you any further.
  4. lol.. I'm not fat but this PC hypocrite thinks it's okay to make fun of fat people? Hmm what happened to being self righteous and accepting everyone? Show some sympathy for others he says... squeeze your knees together he says..... But what about the fat people's plight? Will there soon be a grand uprising for the fat people and your comments quoted above about your disdain for fat people will possibly become inappropriate? You do know that some fat people have glandular issues correct? It's an actual medical diagnosis. You're using the word fat like calling special needs people a "retar
  5. Men's hips are also shaped differently than the ladies. Our feet and legs tend to be separated while it is common to see a woman standing with her feet close together. It's a natural position for them and to sit with legs closed is much easier for them than it is for us. So to insist that a man sit there like a woman with his legs closed is a stupid fucking request. If anyone ever approached me irl I would probably tell them to eat shit. Mind your business assholes.
  6. But for many decades there was no issue? What has changed? Either people did it decades ago and kept their mouths shut or men's balls have recently gotten bigger.
  7. how about the ladies with the strollers taking up 3-4 seats in the bus during rush hour? Can't they do their shit during off peak times? lol So you're gonna give shit to the dude for manspreading but a woman and a stroller taking up part of the front of the bus is okay?
  8. The title of the article is called. 'No manspreading': Madrid adds a no-nonsense sign to its public transit vehicles.
  9. Here comes tranny number 2 right on schedule
  10. Jerry sounds like an effeminate male. Nothing wrong with that bro, it's just that the real men are talking now so hush.
  11. This is prejudiced against men. We have equipment between our legs and the public transit systems doesn't want to accommodate us. I mean shit, do they expect a full grown man to fit into one of those seats without having to spread his legs a little bit? Would they not have fucking wheelchair accessibility? What about men with ball and dicks between our legs? Is it our fault that we have genitalia that get in the way while sitting on seats designed for teen aged female models? I say we start a petition. This is more of a human rights issue for men. Yet feminist women and men apparentl
  12. I really don't care. I just find it funny that other people make a big deal out of spreading. I say let the offended confront the offender in that case. If the person offended is too chicken to to confront the offender then the offender automatically wins the extra leg room. It's just the rules bro.
  13. I should be able to let my balls hang as low as I want. Fuck outta here jerry.
  14. https://www.upworthy.com/no-manspreading-madrid-adds-a-no-nonsense-sign-to-its-public-transit-vehicles?c=ufb2&fbclid=IwAR05Jq3C6ddB2C1ITuCx-D4MeEmADbt77zNlDuqedFPxYLRndwm6X9IZWro
  15. I'll probably check this movie out in next couple days. Will book the VIP theater so I can have a beer.
  16. I would do the polar bear swim all over your tits.
  17. TSHBR.. as usual. Lemming won GOTY get over it. Best version on X. Why can't the other factions just come to terms with it that 2018 belongs to the Lemmings?
  18. Lemmings already won GOTY so you ain't letting us win anything faggot.
  19. Are we working on 2019 already? Why we even arguing? Xbox has officially won 2018. On January 1st, we can all start baiting each other again to see if the Sheep and Cows can relinquish the championship from the Lemmings. 2018 was a challenging year and we Lemmings accept this win with grace and humility, however we will not go silently into the night in 2019. You will have to fight us tooth and nail for the SW goty award next near. Good luck to all! Even the losers. bahahahaaha
  20. Merry Christmas, Saucer Eyed Murderer.
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