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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Yeaase! I knew you would agree with me that PC doesn't count.
  2. Yeah I know what you mean. I actually work with a guy who's playing it and we were talking about Smash in the group. He loves Smash and was about to shit on the online but I noticed he did a 180 and didn't want to talk about it saying how good the game is. He knows the online is garbage but doesn't want to admit it. Just like the sheep on this site.
  3. I totally understand that you want to forget about how the online flopped. Let's change the subject, he says.
  4. lol you got him. He hasn't responded yet.
  5. Ooooh the difference between gyro and and infrared. I don't give a shit. You still move the shit around. I had a wii and owned the pro controller and switch. Traded all that garbage in for another X.
  6. lol cows and sheep. buh buh my controller is better. How about the controller that comes with the console. Who has the best controller? dualshit? swtiches waggle controllers?
  7. gyro has been garbage since they introduced it with the wii. And gtfo with that bullshit about amibos and their garbage eshop., Nintendo really likes to milk their fanbase. I find it hilarious that you all go and spend extra money on that garbage. What's that cardboard box shit again that they were trying to sell people? sad goddamned company. Oh yeah, labo.. wtf you guys are stupid!
  8. Fine you guys still like gyro. We get it people like gyro now instead of the old school hardcore gaming such as mouse/kb or strictly thumbstick controller style. You like to waive your arms around and look like a fool while you're gaming. That's cool... but what does your gf think?
  9. I've used the Nintendo Pro controller and I agree that it's an amazing controller and totally worth the $100 to play on TV. Not sure I agree about the ergonomics being better on Pro controller but to each their own. They are both either in 1st or 2nd place depending how what you think.
  10. I think it's the best controller I've ever held. It's ergonomically correct and has this grippy feel to it and you're fingers NEVER slip or hands are never sweaty/slipping. This controller is of the quality of a third party or premium controller such as the X Elite Controller but comes packaged with the console. Very nice. The console aesthetic is very pleasing and compact as well. But that controller, I still can't get over it. Was thinking of getting the Elite controller but it's $$$ and not sure if I really want to invest in that. Don't think I'll need it with the standard controller
  11. Also Venom is pretty good from what I've seen. I found a torrent on it and like it so far. Superhero style movie. Marvel universe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLCn88bfW1o
  12. Never knew that guy Oliver Reed aka Proximo died before the movie's release. If you watch Kingdom of Haven you should watch the Director's Cut. I saw it back in the day in SD and someone recently suggested that I watch the full three hour director's cut. Watched in HD and it was really good. It was like watching it for the first time.
  13. Been playing RDR 2 off and on all morning. Gonna probably have a marathon sesh tonight.
  14. lol I work with a dude who was all hyped for this game since he used to play with friends. He hadn't spoken to those friends in a while and when he called they were like wtf? video games?
  15. Technology and the internet have turned normal behavior upside down. I don't give a rats ass about tattoos but you can tell it's more of a fashion statement than what it used to mean back in the old days with sailors, military and criminals having them. In terms of mental illness, some people actually do research on disorders and try to mimic those behaviors. That's a thing. It's just a shame that the whole world is going to go to shit because of technology. I suppose it will bring us to some future like in the hunger games or some shit Can't wait. Edit - Hunger Ga
  16. https://www.narcity.com/entertainment/the-classic-holiday-movie-rudolph-the-red-nosed-reindeer-is-now-being-called-abusive-and-problematic
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