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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Game of they year RDR 2 wins GOTY at GS and the definitive version is only on X. It's been a great year folks and it was fun playing SW with all of you but Lemmings have won 2018. Thanks for coming out. Maybe next year boys... good luck!
  2. RDR 2 the definitive edition.. Xcluded from ps4, pc and switch. 4k native resolution and Xclusive to X.
  3. How many studios have they recently purchased?
  4. Ohh shit.. I hope this is true. This will mean that MS will release a beast soon as well.
  5. I know it's really sad. They just go around spouting sony fanboy crap and posting smilies You can tell they feel threatened by MS.
  6. Ys is a shit franchise. We don't want that shit on X.
  7. screw that noise. We all know damn well that Sony does not have the capabilities to dial it up like Microsoft can. Not for this kind of technology. Not anymore. You realize that Microsoft Azure is cloud computing right? Microsoft has been sinking tons of money into cloud computing for years and that technology is now coming into fruition. This is simply a test from years and years of platform development. Good luck catching up to anyone else honestly.. Microsoft has huge data centers running these servers. Why do you pay for Xbox Live Gold? Well shit it costs money to run data centers
  8. I'm pretty sure he did invent the dance on Fresh Prince. Not only does the character move exactly like him, they have the word "Fresh" in the title. They're not even trying to hide it.. Now it all depends whether or not someone thinks they are taking something away from him. Would he have profited off the dance in the future? The dance may be the result of his personal creative output at that time during the show and he himself feels that he created this specific dance and believes they should not make money off of something he created (without giving him a cut).
  9. Don't you at least need wheel stand for something like this? I owned one of those telescopic wheel stands and they work pretty well. I have no idea how you would use the pedals without something holding them in place. Even better would be a car seat
  10. That might be true at the moment but MS has a grand scheme to win over the current and potential gamers. You need to understand that this has always been Bill Gates vision. To have a computer in every room/living room that connected everyone. This was his vision back when Billy G started. That's why you are seeing a heavyweight like Microsoft take on this huge endeavor that is cloud based gaming. It expands that every living room concept to anywhere. This technology will allow other platforms to play together. It can have different platforms play together simultaneously, all this is cal
  11. So? It is true isn't it? It's a close race but Sony is often ahead these days. .. but not by much. Can't you just feel Microsoft's world domination take over with this new strategy? It honestly makes me a little excited for the future of Microsoft and the Xbox brand. They will likely dominate. #I don't think Sony can compete
  12. Performance will be better for cloud based games. Most of the cpu processing will done on high end servers. Scarlett CPU won't be limited like the next gen ps5 but will pretty much have Unlimited Power.
  13. Anyone would be stupid to get a pro instead of an X. I bet this sways many potential customer purchases for the X. I see them doing second place. Sony might get first but Xbox has a chance to come in second. Who knows, maybe even first at this amazing deal!
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