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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. I have an issue with stupidity but not freedom. This is the reason why the US has a president like Donald Trump. Enough people are fighting against what you and Jehuray believe that they decided to elect him as president. The left likes to think they are right and think these are all victories but they should be more careful since not everyone thinks that way. You think the left would elect Donald Trump? If he get's re-elected for another 4 years then the proof will be there that the majority or at least half the population want a change away from the pussyfying of the world, like these m
  2. Its starts with small things. For decades from 1940's to the 1990's most everything was normal. Back in the 80s and 90s nobody had tattoo's except for a few. Now every single person I meet has a tat. It's stupid shit like that. People today are fucked in the head.. Either that or they've always been fucked in the head but now think it's okay to flaunt it. It has kind of become "cool" or "hip" to have a mental disorder and prick yourself with needles. Why so much self abuse? The world has changed and these kinds of little things where people cry about old Christmas songs is just a sympt
  3. I say we should let all the sick minded people get jobs and make important decisions because they are the minority. I mean, a tranny with who likes to shove his cock and double tap other dudes while getting his asshole filled with a traffic cone would make good decisions regarding important policies for a country.
  4. By supporting this behavior you're just encouraging it. Oh well. I guess you really do want change? It will likely go to extremes and America will probably have a fully converted tranny rainbow haired man (post op) as president in 50 years. No biggie.
  5. Of course. Context is important. People back then were cool and not little dweebs with rainbow colored hair
  6. I'm just saying that it would be nice if the 60% stopped listening altogether.
  7. Yes, but it's still censorship. The majority of the population wouldn't agree to banning the song let's just say but a small few seem to have the power to do so. Why do companies keep bowing to these minorities? It's in reality probably only 40% agree vs 60% don't agree. And then when you take into account people who don't give a shit then it's probably more like 20% really want it banned while the other 80% doesn't give a fuck. Why do we bow down to these people? This is why you have right wing people making ridiculous claims about the left being just as bad..... Because they are not ju
  8. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2018/12/06/baby-its-cold-outside-all-lyrics-controversial-song/2229909002/
  9. Ooh shit that game with the two guys who said the game was coming to X but not PS
  10. the orange hermit kaz is mad but uses the name Kaz as his moniker and has a picture of said figurehead for an avy and also defends sony exclusives at the same time shitting on lemmings.
  11. epic rape against the cows and sheep. #XM$clusive
  12. So these are the kinds of games you like and you diss Xbox? LMFAO
  13. So for Canada it's $130 for the console and around $120 for the k70 keyboard. So a total of $250.
  14. Why would anyone buy this It's sony selling you a piece of plastic with roms in it. Are cows so nostalgic that they will spend over $100 for this crap? So gay. Just do the same on a Raspberry Pi or some other small computer. lol
  15. So voicing my prediction and opinion about Microsoft is gibberish? I thought this was SW where everyone gets to state their opinions on the current gaming platforms? Are you trying to silence my voice? This is oppression.. Mods.. please do something about this.
  16. We'll see where it all goes next gen. MS ain't dumb and don't you think developers are gonna want to get on that bandwagon of getting to play their games on androids, iphones, pc's and any other platforms except Sony? When MS does offer distribution to those platforms, don't you think that the big developers will want to befriend MS and want to play ball with them? Yeah, we'll see what happens. Fools
  17. breh, are you calling me a homo? I have these VS chicks scrolling on my desktop background. Shut the fuck up. If you're with me then you are.. If not then you're my enemy.
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