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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Drug OD. https://www.tmz.com/2018/12/16/colin-kroll-dead-drug-overdose-od-hq-trivia-twitter-vine/
  2. Oh so Sheepkilla a millionaire? Man, price no object for this nigga
  3. So you're mad because we're not letting you gang attack and bully Deeno? God forbid that Deeno's allies come to his defense when they mostly agree on what he says. So how should we proceed then? Let you guy put the boots to him while laughing it up with the likes of a few distasteful members of the opposing factions?
  4. So tell me, how does anything I wrote in the above post sound Jimbo-like?
  5. I disagree. Legalizing marijuana is just fine. It makes people more creative. People in jobs that require them to think up solutions or troubleshoot things helps them come up with creative solutions. I've read that it can also get people off harder drugs. If they start smoking marijuana regularly it can prevent them from dying from a potential future opioid overdose had they continued on harder drugs.
  6. Shut the fuck up. Canada is the most superior country in the world. We legalized weed. Fuck nintendo and it's broken games. We want power so Canadians are mostly known as lemmings. The few on here that are other factions are the oddities but most Canadians are lemmings, trust me.
  7. Well I live in Canada and Smash costs $79.99 + tax which comes to almost $90 CAD. If you're paying in US currency then it's still $59 plus tax. It's a full priced game. But in countries like Canada where games cost a minimum $79.99 + $10 additional tax and which used to cost $59 to $69 just a few years ago, you start to wonder if $100 is worth the price of Smash. Broken online? They can keep it. And to top it off, Nintendo barely ever drops the price on their games. lol.. Why should I own this console?
  8. Have fun playing in single player. How much did it cost? 80? I'm sure Nintendo is happy and your additional. purchase will just encourage them not to EVER fix their online because idiots will continue to to put up with their incompetence. I could understand going out to buy the fully functional game but to go out and pay full price for a game that doesn't work very well online and which the game should heavily rely on? I'm sure they could invest money into their online but why should they? Stupid saps will buy their broken online games anyway.
  9. Goukosan is actually angry right now and this is the face he's making
  10. I'm surprised you used up one of your daily posts to say that I suck. Thanks! I feel special!
  11. Before you get up for that final snack, I just want you to know that I'll be right back! HAAA!!
  12. Yeaase! I knew you would agree with me that PC doesn't count.
  13. Yeah I know what you mean. I actually work with a guy who's playing it and we were talking about Smash in the group. He loves Smash and was about to shit on the online but I noticed he did a 180 and didn't want to talk about it saying how good the game is. He knows the online is garbage but doesn't want to admit it. Just like the sheep on this site.
  14. I totally understand that you want to forget about how the online flopped. Let's change the subject, he says.
  15. lol you got him. He hasn't responded yet.
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