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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Nobody wants the ps4 garbage.. Why are sheep even in this thread defending it since it's not even their console..
  2. I actually bought another X in November. So, you're wrong I guess.
  3. But I have plenty of games on X. I have no idea what you are talking about
  4. Fine, facebook purchased Oculus but MS will eventually implement their own. you know it to be true.
  5. I don't put a lot of weight in scores. Too many nindendo fansites to artificially inflate the scores. It doesn't count for me and nothing will change that.
  6. MS is just biding their time with VR. They are waiting for consoles to become powerful and viable enough to implement a real VR solution. When hardware is up to snuff they will either purchase and existing VR solution like Oculus or build their own.
  7. But as it stands most "Sheep" on this website like to fuck with MS's lineup. Look at your own shit bros
  8. Oh yeah was thinking of someone else. But VR and playstation. I've seen some of those games and they look gay as fuck. Total fisher price crap. he just likes the anime games in VR.. might even jerk off while playing them. I'm not gonna let that guy shit on my console.
  9. It's all the same garbage @Teh_DiplomatMario this mario that. it's bullshit rehashed crap.
  10. No he's more of a cow but I bet he plays a lot more switch. You can't go around shitting on Halo, Gears, Forza when your preferred console is a Switch. Sorry.
  11. Can you list all the multiplats that perform better on ps4 pro as opposed to One X please? I must be out of the loop or something
  12. So is Nintendo. You have super mario type games, paper mario, mario kart, mario odyssey, mario and rabbids, mario tennis aces, super smash bros, super mario party, super mario bros u deluxe, I tell ya, mario and zelda is quite the variety for nintendo Come on now, just admit that you're a cow already. What a hypocrite.
  13. oh shit http://www.tmz.com/2018/12/01/neil-degrasse-tyson-cosmos-sexual-misconduct-allegation/
  14. post a pic of yourself.. I'm curious. Before and after shots if possible.
  15. Yes, just blend in with the rest of us. We're all having fun here not being miserable.
  16. Then don't read it. It's common sense but I wouldn't expect you to be able to understand it.
  17. You're right about not giving a shit about other people. Yes, this is how humans behave and this is our mentality. Why do you need to hate yourself and project that onto others? Who cares? There's nothing more to it. It is what it is but you have to try to think positive and make the best of life, no? Why do you have to go into a totally opposite direction and be hateful? To prove that people are assholes? What's wrong with not being hateful and malicious and just being neutral? You sound like an ass.
  18. The non lemmings never change. They have so much hate and envy for us. Hermits hate us because they're at the mercy of our lord and savior MS and King Billy G. part founder of Microsoft. Once upon a time some people thought pc and linux could take over. Or even Apple for that matter? None of those platforms would dare or can even really compete in terms of a gaming platform. If you're gonna game on PC then you will be doing it most likely on a Microsoft Windows/Xbox platform. That's our baby. Xbox is just the icing on the cake. You guys have always been bitter... either that or y'al
  19. Too many assholes on this website. Poor guy loses his original Xbox and ya'll trying to flame. sad.
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