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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. So you think that I think that Stormy Daniels doesn't deserve a fair shot because she's a hooker? Holy fuck @jehurey you must be quite simple minded. From Wikipedia. You read that? Think about it for a second. Look I don't know about you but I'm not going to fault Donald Trump for getting a hooker. Donald then decided to run for president and had her sign a non disclosure agreement and probably paid her well. Then with all this stupid fucking political smearing from the left, Avenatti who is probably being paid by the left or is just simply ambulance cha
  2. But sometimes I wonder if the left is more detrimental than the right.
  3. By the way I'm not right wing. More in the middle. I like laughing at both sides.
  4. Don't try to tell me that Stormy Daniels lawsuit is not motivated by money but instead for actual pain and suffering from Donald Trump's inappropriate sexual advances. What is the lawsuit for anyway? Is it a pay me or I will smear your name type of deal? So extortion? I'm glad Avenatti got caught beating this woman and it was a pretty bad beating from what I read. Who is this guy to defend pornstar Stormy Daniels and at the same time be a woman beater. lmao.. Only left wingers would even try to defend this. Or are you just trolling? You guys will do anything won't you? Like holy
  5. I wonder if she ever did the two dicks in one ass move? I'll have to look it up.
  6. Regardless of whether he did inappropriate shit means nothing. If you pay Stormy Daniels enough money she will let put a road pylon up her ass.
  7. Pornstars fuck for money. She is not credible. And he's an ambulance chaser type of lawyer because of that. She's a pornstar and he's attacking a sitting president with allegations from a chick who fucks for money. Go away.
  8. lol not even close. MS will remain in the gaming business for many more years. You idiots here at SW are just wishing that MS would exit the market but it ain't gonna happen.. sorry They are simply positioning themselves for the streaming market. Azure cloud technology belongs to MS and there ain't nobody, EA, Ubi, Sony or Nintendo can compete. The two most incapable companies able to adapt to online streaming content goes like this. Sony sucks at it second.. And ninty has the number 1 suckage and has no ability to ever compete in that realm. Online streaming ser
  9. You're just a hater like the rest of SW. Have fun playing your handheld shit device. Fisher price garbage
  10. okay if you say so. I can see the switch being capable of 4k in around 8-10 years. Good luck with that.
  11. I'm looking toward the future. You're looking at past numbers. People who actually want to game in 4k and who aren't pc nerdmits will opt for X this holiday season.
  12. It all depends on what you mean by no games. Xbox has plenty of games. It's just that gaming nerds like yourself who hang out at SW are aware of the slight extra exclusives sony has. Most families who own 2 or 3 4k TVs don't give a fuck about those shitty movie game exclusives. They want something that's gonna pop on their 4K HDR TVs. They want the Assassin's Creed and RDR games. Third parties are plenty. And with MS dominating the racing genre and gamepass with Halo, Gears and Forza exclusives why would they even consider the mistake that is ps pro to fulfill their HD gaming needs.
  13. All I have to say is that I own the most powerful console on the market atm. Best console for the price. Similar performance to gtx 1070. If people want the best gaming experience without being a gaming pc building nerd and having to build one, then you go X. 4K is the way to go if you want to play games. Shit, you can even buy a cheapo 4k tv for $500. Regardless of whether you think it's a good TV of not, people who buy those want a true 4k gaming console to go along with it. Honestly, who really doesn't own a 4k TV nowadays. Most people who make a half decent income own a 4K set. Th
  14. Most people will realize that that they want a true 4k experience and will likely go for X. It's the only way to go if the consumer has a half a brain in their head. Why would you take a significantly slower computer when you can get the best for only $100 more? And as was mentioned before, new players get a month of Gamepass which will give them access to Halo, Gears, Forza franchises and a plethora of other games for free on day one. One X is a superior piece of hardware. Don't kid yourselves sheep and cows. X controller is second to none. Go piss up a flagpole if you don't
  15. https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/xbox-boss-very-excited-for-the-next-xbox-says-cons/1100-6463237/
  16. That doesn't even sound fun So I guess they just didn't update the graphics. Why bother.. Are you getting it? I saw some pretty bad video impressions and it looked dated. Doubt I'd pay full price for that lol But who knows it might still be good? So far I haven't heard good things.
  17. Is that Todd Howard and those dudes? What the hell have they been doing all this time? Obviously not working on a new engine.
  18. We don't need advertising since we can keep up well enough on our own. So when you consider all the marketing dollars Sony spends and the slightly lower sales of Xbox without having to spend on marketing, then you can see that Xbox is just more profitable.
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