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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. Is that Todd Howard and those dudes? What the hell have they been doing all this time? Obviously not working on a new engine.
  2. We don't need advertising since we can keep up well enough on our own. So when you consider all the marketing dollars Sony spends and the slightly lower sales of Xbox without having to spend on marketing, then you can see that Xbox is just more profitable.
  3. I like how you pretend to be speaking to someone else about the person you are addressing. It makes it look like you're detached from the other person and treating them like an inconsequential piece of meat. I see the strategy but it's very obvious to me. Not fooling anyone. You likely have a real life god complex. I've seen it before and it's obvious.
  4. Cows would be jizzing their panties if RDR2 was better on their systems.
  5. Just looking for an excuse to shit on the game because it's better on X. If it were better on Sony's platform most of you wouldn't be making any complaints and praising the game to no end. Welcome to SW. lmao
  6. Yo pc ain't got Red Dead I know that son. the game isn't that good you aint missing much. Just kidding it is that good and it's awesome.
  7. https://www.polygon.com/2018/4/11/17224660/red-dead-redemption-xbox-one-x-4k-backwards-compatibility
  8. If you got an X, Rockstar remade the original just for Microsoft Xbox One systems. You would get ultra 4 super graphics compared to the psnow version.
  9. RDR 2 is way more fun. I've played both sooo.
  10. My god. The power of X compels you!
  11. No kidding. This game is off the charts phenomenal. I'm glad to be playing this game on X right now.
  12. Does she work at a burger joint? In a office? Just curious as that would put perspective on things which I could then form an appropriate opinion. That being said, that motherfucker shouldn't be mad because she was on her own time? So my question is what does she do? Does she work in a mission critical environment on salary and on call or at McDonalds. Cuz if it's McD's or some shit I would walk up to that "boss" and tell him what's up. knowatimsayin?
  13. MS will never ever be third party on Playstation. That's a fact. Not logical for Sony to do that in any way. So the whole stupid shit with cows getting in on third party MS with Gamepass is not true at all because you won't get MS exclusives ever on Playstation. Are you scared now that MS is scooping up all these developers? What happens in 3-4 years when MS has all these amazing exclusives that are not available on playstation? Will you still claim that you get the best of it all? No, you will be missing MS exclusives on your console. Eat shit.
  14. It's Valve. lol Do we actually think that a new Half Life will be coming out? come on dude.
  15. welcome to the year 2018 sheep! congratulations!
  16. No Kamiya will stay and work for and develop for MS and Xbox for the rest of his life. Sry
  17. Look at all the salty tears lmfao.. Sorry cows and sheep.. no more ching chong games for you!
  18. Yes, and you will fucking buy them.. MS owns ur souls.
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