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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. BTW you've totally detached from lemminghood.. There's no going back now. Not even if X starts to do extremely well again with exclusives or whatnot. Let's say Xbox turns the tides (we've seen it gen after gen with ps2 being number one. And then 360 then back again to PS4. What if Xbox starts to output more AAA Microsoft exclusives and remains the top console in terms of power til at least end of next gen? Do you own a high end gaming PC? If not, will you want to be called a lemming again? You know MS is on top of this shit right and they are gonna decimate Sony with the next
  2. Xbox number 1 console
  3. Oh shit a Kojima + Gabe collab on for an Xbox exclusive?
  4. the quiet place one is M Night. Have to rewatch that one tonight.
  5. Oh crap never thought of that. Okay, screw it.. thanks cows.. we really appreciate this amazing 4k relaese.
  6. Very strange that cows aren't raving about it don't you think?
  7. I bought another One X with this deal. Also got ultimate edition of RDR2 so all set.
  8. I accidentally blew off the head of the veteran from Valentine today with a shotgun. I wanted to interact with him but instead pulled the right trigger while he was sitting on the ground with his back against a wall execution style. I kind of panicked and was in shock that I did that in the middle of town since I didn't mean to, then jumped on my horse and got the fuck out of there. Went and paid the $15 bounty and all was wiped away. lol
  9. No Canada too. I just bought another One X for the cottage on Friday along with RDR 2 and received $130 discount. Totally worth it.
  10. I highly doubt American Wild West games are of any interest to Europeans. To say that it got second is a huge compliment. Rockstar is a beast.
  11. Amazing game. I got in a fistfight in the middle of town and it's so amazing how the game seems so real. For example, during the fistfight, there was one guy on the sidelines cheering us on. It caught my eye because some dunkard yokel was cheering us on. I can't remember if others were looking since I was paying attention to the fight. The police station was just in view and you see them burst the fuck out which resulted in a wanted level. I had to run. You really can't stay and fight them. Then you have to run away for a while and can pay the bounty later. It's these kinds
  12. Yeah you're right. Outright banning buns wouldn't work. Tough situation.
  13. Bring in the military if needed. At least threaten the military if they don't comply. People can't be that crazy in your country. The vast majority who probably don't support guns would ultimately win. But it can also make things worse as you said.
  14. I get that it seems like the current situation is irreversible but you need to realize that if you want any chance at all to make things better then they need to take peoples guns.
  15. In my opinion and no offence to anybody, but I think that the right to bear arms is obsolete and should no longer be a right. Or it needs to be modified if that's possible. You can't have every joe shmoe going into a walmart and buying semi auto rifles ffs. Come on now. They make it too easy.
  16. A start would be to ban guns. And then have raids on any person suspected of having an illegal firearm. I know that's difficult but it's likely the only real solution. It may take 20 years or more to see a significant difference but in the long run could be a solution.
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