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System Warrior
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Everything posted by eastside49er

  1. Has MS updated their sales of the XBOX360? We haven't gotten one since 2014 or something right (system wasn't discontinued until end of 2016) ? Any way, the XBOX360 sold twice as much software as the PS3 and the PS3, plus the Vita, nearly bankrupted Sony. The Wii was a fad POS and everyone I knew who bought one, it became a dust collector after 2 weeks or they got rid of it. The Wii U .
  2. Broken Days, I mean Days Gone, was a generic open world adventure game and has been buggy as fuck since its release. Hell even the patches are buggy (1.06 was breaking PS4s so they had to remove it, LOL! ). Game at best is a 6/10 at worst 4/10. I will say this, we are all at war with SJW pandering sites like Gamespot and IGN. Hell the Gamespot review complained about heterosexual marriage, LOL! Stupid fucking dyke can't even hate on a game properly. Who the fuck gave that dumb bitch a job?
  3. Yep. Movie is 3rd best in the Avenger series. Would rank the original Avengers and Infinity War above it, with Age of Ultron coming in last. Superb movie for the most part, but damn does it drag in the first hour and half.
  4. I read it was under renovation so all the old relics had been moved out before the fire. At least some good news from this tragedy.
  5. I don't get it myself. Maybe if they were going with an all digital X1X version, OK. Those crying over the size of the SSD don't get the fact that people who go all digital WILL buy an external HDD. That is a fact. I'm assuming this is a test case to see if they will go with an all digital version of the X1X and the next generation system in 2020. I'm also assuming this is pretty much targeting ONLY the people who play 3 or 4 games a year, like Madden, NBA 2K, CoD, etc.
  6. Problem I have with Roe v Wade is the fact it was based on a lie. As far as no government money goes towards abortions, it does. https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/commentary/new-report-shows-planned-parenthood-raked-15-billion-taxpayer-funds The rest is suspect. Roe v Wade was supposed to be for my list of reasons for abortions. We know now it is used because people are lazy and irresponsible, especially in today's world where you can get birth control ANYWHERE.
  7. By the way, some of these old threads really bring back memories. I want to say this was the original Twitter when it comes to the trolling, LOL!
  8. Thanks. I think the last time was 2013 maybe, lol. Been busy saving the world and now I'm retired.
  9. I favored XBOX, but I owned everything. Still do.
  10. I went through one many years ago with an ex-girlfriend and regret it every day. Now I'm very pro-life to a certain degree as in if you are raped, incest cases (99.9% of those are rape cases), possible deformity/life long health issues to the baby or the mother's health is at risk, etc. then yes have one if you want to. Everything else, nope. If the baby is healthy, then have the child and give it up for adoption to the millions of people who can't have children. The government should have some degree of oversight, but all in all, I would like for them to stay out of it, which includes tax mon
  11. I'm still trying to figure out WTF they are doing. Now there is a rumor about that all digital S version. Makes you wonder who is in charge up there in regressive land.
  12. Playing Dead Island right now. Best zombie game I have played in a long time. I so wish they would fix the bugs though.
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