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System Warrior
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Everything posted by RaniK_

  1. It is. The average user would not know how, let alone, how to fully utilise such features.
  2. Tell em, ghostz. Gouk is already tearing in the eye about his fast depreciating spyware device.
  3. If Jer is bringing up some useless feature from the galaxy s4, hes probably on kitkat.
  4. Whoa ghostz, android phones had a spot on the screen you can press slightly hard on!
  5. Imagine being so defensive about a mediocre device that receives no updates. Oh, jer.
  6. Oh look, it works in the setting and photo album.
  7. Jer, you talking about this?
  8. Waving to your phone is innovative.
  9. And they will never be updated!
  10. Android 10? Lmfao. As of May 2020, 18.63% of Android devices run Android 10, making it the second most popular Android version. https://gs.statcounter.com/android-version-market-share/mobile-tablet/worldwide/#monthly-202005-202005-bar
  11. One room house? Is our good buddy jer living in a communal home?
  12. Correction to the chart ghostz, 92% of supported apple devices are on iOS13. https://developer.apple.com/support/app-store/ Using an android device in current year.
  13. Can you imagine jer coming home from a long day of moving boxes with his big brick of a phone, unknowing that it will never see an update?
  14. Android is a BIG FAT MISTAKE.
  15. What a fucking disaster. Jankdroid!
  16. Apple absolutely demolished android. Imagine paying $1k+ for a phone that might get two years of updates if you are lucky.
  17. You are going to ban me because I called nitric mahmood? Really?
  18. Don't ban anyone over spoilers, especially for TLOU as it leaked a few months back.
  19. The whole GG movement exposed all these poz'd reviewers agenda. I won't be surprised if there's another email group colluding with reviews to push their narrative.
  20. Hes waiting for the local kids playground to reopen.
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