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System Warrior
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Everything posted by RaniK_

  1. Just thinking about the dust that will eventually accumulate. Awful design.
  2. Not real ray tracing if its only the main character or certain elements to the environment.
  3. So far the most interesting game was a multiplat indie game.
  4. Man, the 30% power gap between the xsx and ps5 is going to be way too evident with these trailers.
  5. Anyone else excited for announcements of games that won't be completed for another 5 or so years?
  6. How is this any different than nationalists blaming jews?
  7. Visceral games doesn't exist and the IP still belongs to EA. This has to be something else.
  8. I'm tired of this bullshit SSD talk. The unreal demo was varying 1440p resolution, sub 30fps with no ray tracing.
  9. BOTW should of legit got 7/10 just on technical issues alone.
  10. Agreed, TN panels were good in 2012 but its time for better image quality and refresh rates.
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