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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Xelle

  1. Why aren't you snapchatting me nudes you little slut?
  2. I'm always crazy/annoying as shit when I want to be.. I had to flip the mask up when I needed to power chug (didn't think that whole mask, drinking part through) but I got my buddies band to play Iron Man for me while I pranced around like an idiot. Although, everytime I high fived someone or smacked them in the face/ass my arc fx noise went off.. that was pretty funny. lmfao sounds legit. muhahah. Hey Chimp diva. I'm doing it again. how dare I be nice to people.? It must be a coon dance in your miserable eyes. Yo give Tony some dat chicken.
  3. I'm always crazy/annoying as shit when I want to be.. I had to flip the mask up when I needed to power chug (didn't think that whole mask, drinking part through) but I got my buddies band to play Iron Man for me while I pranced around like an idiot. Although, everytime I high fived someone or smacked them in the face/ass my arc fx noise went off.. that was pretty funny.
  4. Well I wore the kids toys out this year... and pissed everyone off with my arc fx noises. I'm such a child.
  5. Jimbo is hands down my favourite poster now after seeing his nudes AND cross dress... FUCK. HOW does it get better... ?! Jimbo can you wear like sexy lingerie? Like with a garter belt and shit? And cover yourself in bacon and steaks and sausage and shit?
  6. only when i paint myself on the way to the bus stop Can you do this for me some time? I'll paint my face white.
  7. Ohhh yeahhh!!! My sexy Balb.. we are going on a date next week bitch. Don't forget!!! I'll punch you in the face and give you some RL blood.. no photoshop needed.
  8. What do you expect? She's part of BDG Xelle looks like Raven Riley's little sister or something I've heard the Raven Riley thing before, though I don't really see it? I think I'm also older than her. TPH.. that pic is me considered being "done up" generally I don't wear makeup. And in that photo all I am wearing is mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. I don't do the cake face shit dude. My hair is naturally like that, due to me being of Indian decent, yes it is dyed, but I don't flat iron it. I generally think all girls do better with the whole "less is more" type
  9. What do you expect? She's part of BDG Xelle looks like Raven Riley's little sister or something I've heard the Raven Riley thing before, though I don't really see it? I think I'm also older than her. TPH.. that pic is me considered being "done up" generally I don't wear makeup. And in that photo all I am wearing is mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. I don't do the cake face shit dude. My hair is naturally like that, due to me being of Indian decent, yes it is dyed, but I don't flat iron it. I generally think all girls do better with the whole "less is more" type of deal. B
  10. That is my weakness. Ugly funny dude > Sexy boring dude Over confidence is a turn off though.. but the pointing out separate features thing does work actually now that you mention it haha.
  11. That's actually pretty accurate as a generalization.. shit has made me cynical as hell. righteous you went ahead and admitted that. Most other girls will do everything but. Will even call me insecure and a woman basher. :] I seem to not have enough ego/possessive qualities/"confidence" to force a ho to be MINE, and me manners get in the way of basically forcing a chic to talk to me (this is called "pimping.") I'm exaggerating a TINY bit but shit, the things men have to do... and the ways I gotta tweak my personality to keep up with "the game," is kinda sick. Me
  12. That's actually pretty accurate as a generalization..
  13. lmfao omg.. only those with very limited exposure to women haven't got opinions on women's appearance. also i had xelle on msn for 5 years, if i wanted her attention i would have tried there good point though only proves that this forum is so shit that even talking about hair styling is better than arguing with ghostz and blackhand It's easily better.. Fuck dat bro.. perms for niggas.
  14. to you both :* Thanks I'm going navy blue next The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it? funky hair colors go well with short IMO Yes. I think it's dykey. I like long and funky. Especially black or blonde (on white girls) with crazy colours in it. Or long and natural. Shortest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/185_8847257582_1076_n.jpg that length could work,
  15. to you both :* Thanks I'm going navy blue next The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it? funky hair colors go well with short IMO Yes. I think it's dykey. I like long and funky. Especially black or blonde (on white girls) with crazy colours in it. Or long and natural. Shortest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/185_8847257582_1076_n.jpg
  16. You're so handsome Jimbo.. let me twiddle your twat.
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