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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Xelle

  1. pretty pathetic you feel the need to post these pics on here for a bunch of guys and then post pics trying to prove its you. :D get a life attention whore.

    Did someone say Whore? :smoke:

    I think I've set a Higher Standard for this Thread, Got any pics you'd like to post Xelle?:jerkit:

    i'm not gunna lie.. i laughed my ass off at those pics. i just dont get why you guys post half the shit you do. lol.

    this is the most slutty pic youre gunna see of me. halloween is an excuse to be a whore.


    Very Nice B)

    And Xelle you are so not a Whore ( and I know a thing or two about Whores ), and nobody here would EVER think so, no matter what kinds of pics you posted, no matter how naked and covered with Whip Cream you were.

    Infact just to prove to you how right I am, how about you give me some suggestions of pics I could take and then I could give you some friendly suggestions of pics that you could take of yourself and then we'll post them.

    I don't think anyone here would have any problem with that would they?

    No, no I don't think they would. We're all friends here Xelle :-*

    ROFL! <3

    And Xelle is an adorable little thing :)

    thank youuu. :-*
  2. pretty pathetic you feel the need to post these pics on here for a bunch of guys and then post pics trying to prove its you. :D get a life attention whore.

    Did someone say Whore? :smoke:

    I think I've set a Higher Standard for this Thread, Got any pics you'd like to post Xelle?:jerkit:

    i'm not gunna lie.. i laughed my ass off at those pics. i just dont get why you guys post half the shit you do. lol.

    this is the most slutty pic youre gunna see of me. halloween is an excuse to be a whore.


  3. GD can you change my pic to this one? seems more fitting for systemWARS.. i blow all yo mofuckin heads off. :)

    Posted Image

    Have you lost weighta little i guess. could use another 10 lbs off.. but i'd never survive canadian winter.. :scared:

    pics don't work bro

    my bad let me try, i guess that site fucks up, i shrunk them so it wouldn't cover up the whole screen but let me try again

    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    whats with yall and being homos?

    here's me feeling a bit tipsy in Helsinki. again

    Posted Image

    you posted this already.. i recall commenting on your brown shoe/black sock combo and saying you were a walking fashion disaster or something.

    Posted Image

    hey look it's pirate!

  4. Posted Image

    Its like I get sexier everyday, damn.


    :D you fully were the guy at FS i asked about borderlands when it came out.. aahaha. i had no idea. also your friend on the right is hot. have to keep a low profile :smug:

    3some? :ben:

    its a good thing i didnt know. i woulda been MAD awkward! did you hear me spazzing in my gay little chipmunk voice? ahaha.

    k. my nostrils are lubed up and ready to go.

    haha ive seen you all over the place. saw you one time in Sirens at PTC with another chick.. I didn't say hi cuz I was with a girl at the time and she woulda been like "whos that ;("lol what the dick! im watching you mofo!

    haha i doubt it. im hardly a threat. just tell her im some random midget manlady wacko and shed be like "oh aite"

  5. Posted Image

    Its like I get sexier everyday, damn.


    :D you fully were the guy at FS i asked about borderlands when it came out.. aahaha. i had no idea. also your friend on the right is hot. have to keep a low profile :smug:

    3some? :ben:

    its a good thing i didnt know. i woulda been MAD awkward! did you hear me spazzing in my gay little chipmunk voice? ahaha.

    k. my nostrils are lubed up and ready to go.

  6. wow xelle that's the prettiest i've seen you!

    aww thanks.

    #1 Truno is straight?

    #2 In for pics of GF

    #3 I fucking love Dubstep, Electronica,Techno and Triphop, :glad: In for rave :adhd:


    :adhd: Come, let us dance awkwardly with flashing lights and ecstasy. :-*

    sick. who else are you into? im going to rusko on saturday! :)

    wow xelle that's the prettiest i've seen you!

    What is that supposed to mean? :wonder: lol... she looks really nice there. She's a beautiful person, whether or not it is a different picture or not. Gato, I'm quite disappointed with your ill behavior; I expected far better from you. :reg:awww so sweet! thanks. :)

    So the plan is ME, XELLE, TRUNO, and TRUNO'S HO, are going to a dubstep club, then we are going to DO ECSTASY, and FUCK.

    Malacries will drive us to these locations in his pink civic.

    You cant fuck on ecstasy

    I tried it - multiple times

    ive done it.. multiple times.

    You don't have to get hard.

    i may not, but ive had sex with guys on e before.. and they got hard. yalls dicks just dont operate to their fullest. haha.
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