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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. I never said you said that. I'm asking for the benefits of banning legal migration that could possibly outweigh the huge consequences.
  2. What exactly would be the benefit of harming the economy and population by that much? Immigrants Contribute Greatly to U.S. Economy, Despite Administration’s “Public Charge” Rule Rationale | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (cbpp.org) Immigrants are significantly less likely to commit crimes than the U.S.-born - Northwestern Now Could the U.S. Population Shrink? | PRB
  3. Pretty sure stopping legal migration would greatly hurt our economy and population growth.
  4. This fucking cult needs a safe space 😅 Republicans Gag Mentions of Trump’s Conviction on the House Floor - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  5. I only see one side going absolutely bat shit insane over any of these convictions or indictments. Whether it be Mendendez, Alex Jones, Hunter, or Trump.
  6. Good. Nvidia is amazing. Their GFX Cards are top notch, crash way less than any AMD I ever had. DLSS 3.0 is much better than FSR for both upscaling and frame gen. RTX:HDR is also amazing if you have an HDR display.
  7. Yet Trump can call for legally questionable (if not illegal) way of doing the same for himself, and not bury his campaign. Trump’s private demand to Johnson: Help overturn my conviction - POLITICO Trump’s claims of presidential immunity to be probed at U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday • Missouri Independent Because it's a cult. "The Trump, Alex Jones, Steven Bannon, etc. cases were all rigged!" "The Hunter, Menendez, Quiar, Weiner, etc. cases are all very fair and balanced!" Get a grip. Read up on some law. Visit more sources than Tim Poo
  8. More proof of weaponization of Biden's DOJ! Oh wait. Lol. You keep undercutting the main GOP narrative by posting this 😂😅 Hunter was tried and convicted in a federal court. Trump was tried and convicted in a NY court. Both were found guilty by a jury of their peers given clear evidence of clear crimes. There is no evidence of foul play within each of the trials. That's a fact. You can take subjective grievance that either were brought to trial, but the problem is the evidence was so clear cut for each that bringing them to trial, biased or not, was extremely
  9. Trump Demanded Mike Johnson Help Him 'Overturn' Conviction: Report (rollingstone.com) Hmm why aren't Hunter or Joe trying this brilliant idea too!? Also.... Texas man charged with threatening FBI agent involved in Hunter Biden case - The Washington Post Lmao, it's a fucking death cult. Wanting to kill people over the Trump verdict. Wanting to kill people over the Hunter verdict. Everything is rigged no matter what happens. Everything is out to get us! Lets kill everyone!
  10. Biased DOJ! Rigged trial! Deleted the jury system! Dox the jurors! Civil War!!!! Is what I would say if I was in a cult. But I'm not, so I'll say good fuck Hunter. See how easy that is?
  11. Sony movie games have been owned.
  12. Trump, Alex Jones, January 6th rioters, Steve Bannon, the 60 failed election cases. Any time a cuckservative gets held to account the far right lies about the entire judicial system and DOJ being "rigged". Without evidence. Just pure madness and luancy. When it's a Democrat, the left doesn't give a flying fuck. Whether it be Hunter, Menendez, Quair, George Flloyd rioters. Just a "oh, okay". Lmao. This is a sane response. The difference is striking. It's a cult.
  13. That the laptop proved any corruption. And a fake video and fake snopes article regarding it. To be fair, that might have just been the GOP and not strictly Russians. But around the same time you had Russian actors making other false claims that the GOP ate up. Former U.S. spies warned in 2020 that the Hunter Biden scandal had Russian fingerprints. They feel vindicated now. (nbcnews.com) Revisiting Hunter Biden’s laptop - Vox Fact check: Screenshot does not show a real Snopes article | Reuters
  14. You're in a cult. Rapist (court determined), Fraudster (court determined), and Felon (court determined) Donald J. Trump lost his NY case due to clear evidence as determined by a jury of his peers. Just like Hunter Biden. Both had a fair trial with a jury of their peers who convicted based off of very obvious evidence. We can both go into the subjective nature of even bringing these cases forward, in which case Hunter's is even less commonly brought going by crime data, but I'm just going off of the objective facts as per the jury and evidence. This is logic. This is sanity. The r
  15. I wish the right was as measured when it came to Trump's conviction. It's like a death cult really. Even Comer couldn't find a crime to impeach lol.
  16. I wasn't talking about those legal deals. And there is disinformation surround those too though. Wait so the DOJ is corrupt again? lol can't make up your minds. Notice how the left isn't losing their shit over Hunter's conviction and trying to Dox jurors or say how the judicial system has to be deleted.
  17. Crime is significantly down and does negate years of increases. The spike was caused by Covid. New FBI stats show 'historic' declines in violent crime rate, with murder showing sharpest drop (nbcnews.com)
  18. You're confused. Some stories of it were Russian disinformation. Some stories on it were true. It's called nuance man, you learn this at around age 10.
  19. So much for a rigged Biden DOJ lol. This totally undercuts that lie.
  20. I loved Elden Ring so I probably will eventually. I need to blast mother fuckers with multiple epic dragons breaths (Faith fag) Will likely do a fresh playthrough I'm not into NG+ for any game and also only played once on release so want to do it again.
  21. Live updates: Hunter Biden found guilty on all counts in gun case | CNN Politics Two tier justice system! Rigged Jury! Biased Judge! Corrupt DOJ! ...........Is what I would say if I was in some cock sucking cult 🤣😂. There goes that narrative for the extreme far right Trump psychos.
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