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Posts posted by Substatic

  1. On 2024-06-08 at 4:44 PM, David P said:

    What's the fake far right narrative? 


    Climate denial

    Anti vaxxing

    Anti Abortion "science"

    The 2020 Election denial resulting in Fake Electors


    Oil Production/Prices

    Biden controlling any of the Trump indictments


    The first two alone are exponentially worse than anything you can come up with for the other side, with policy to go along with such false views. So much death will and already has come from such science denial. Abortion bans and restrictions already resulting in more death with reduced maternal mortality rates in all those trash Red States (As I predicted in the thread where I murdered Saucer, sadly I ended up right.)  Lets be honest, it's a death cult. These people are straight up Saturday morning cartoon villains 🤣


    Crime rates spiked due to Covid, but are now down significantly and not a real talking point anymore. Oil production under Biden is the most it's ever been, and he was not at fault for any price increases on gas. Migrants commit less crimes than the native born population. There is zero evidence Biden controlled any of the indictments, especially the NY ones. The problem with this false narrative is there is too much evidence for his 4 trials, enough so that he lost 1 of them as per a jury of his peers. There is no proper defense of the Fake Electors, that shit is so wild and anti Democratic. Hope they all go to prison or at least those who orchestrated it.


  2. 2 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Nah, we're just tired of the bullshit and have tuned out. You lunatics have made up and pushed so much fake shit since 2016 that we couldn't be bothered to deciminate anymore.



    "The far left pushed out so much fake bullshit in 2016 that I'm going to believe even worse and more dangerous fake far right bullshit in 2020 and 2024!"



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  3. On 2024-06-06 at 10:56 AM, Cooke said:


    You conspiracy theorists are crazy. 



    Guess which set of conspiracy theories ended up costing more lives, the ones who were zealous about getting vaccinated vs the retard anti-vaxxers?


    Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived: study : NPR


    The different rates "were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates.






    Pre-pandemic cognitive function and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: cohort study - PMC (nih.gov)


    Lower cognition was robustly associated with COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy.


    Cognitive function – also known as mental ability or intelligence – refers to psychological functions that involve the storage, selection, manipulation, and organisation of information, and the planning of actions (Deary, 2012Deary and Batty, 2007).




  4. 10 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Deep blue state benefits of living in Washington 



    Yeah... Isn't it just grand. You lunatics have absolutely destroyed this state, and you're proud of it.


    And even with all those issues, it's still somehow a much better State than most Red States. Red States overall have far worse living conditions, and incorrectly manage all the funding they get from the Blue States they leech off of.

    Lower life expectancy, higher maternal mortality, worse infrastructure, higher obesity, worse education, worse healthcare, worse gdp, higher poverty, higher violent crime, etc. Hell their most recent Abortion Bans further reduced maternal mortality rates in Red States....this is GOP policy shown in real time as red areas have reduced quality of life.


    AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states | AP News





    Democrats have their issues. That's certain. But good fucking god if Republican's had total control our Global QOL ranking would plummet. 


  5. 11 hours ago, David P said:

    The other half support sham trials that exist to prevent a popular candidate from winning an election.


    There is no indication it was a sham trial. Unless you believe the 12 jurors were paid off and the evidence was falsified. I would require some pretty major and substantial citation regarding this. Can you find a neutral or more centrist source non-editorial showing this? Like AP or VOX (just examples there are many more)? Trump lost this case because the evidence was extremely clear cut. He has an even bigger chance to lose both Jack Smith cases as the evidence for both of those cases is even more substantial (they got that shit on video homeboy). 


    Were all 60 cases he lost when trying to over turn the 2020 election rigged too? How about the rape case? Rigged? Everything is rigged and fake if it's against your party right? Totally not a cult lol.


    Your energy would be better wasted on getting angry at Trump for committing these felonies, rape, or being a fraudster rather than being mad at the legal system work.


    P.S. Thoughts on the Bob Menendez and Hunter Biden trials? :mj:  Rigged too for sure right?

  6. Also lol its still funny he unanimously lost the relatively weakest case against him. He has ZERO chance against both Jack Smith cases, Smith has insane evidence. Straight up video tapes, emails, texts, documents, etc. Guy is totally guilty of those.


    Problem is if Trump wins he could straight up cancel those. 

  7. On 2024-05-30 at 7:52 PM, DynamiteCop said:



    How do Democrat's not see this stuff only draws more support lol?  


    Prove all 12 jurors were Democrats.  This is extremely unlikely given the selection process used.


    On 2024-05-30 at 7:52 PM, DynamiteCop said:



    Everyone can see what's going on. 


    Polls show over half don't see it because it's not there. He fucked up. You should be more upset at Trump for objectively and factually having commit these felonies, not the law.


    Also it's funny to see the "law and order party" show their true colors. They don't give a flying fuck about law and order. Only if it's people they don't like, hence those abortion bans or blocking cannabis legalization or now trying to get rid of contraceptives. Laws for thee but not for me. This is a god damn cult lmao, all of a sudden the entire judicial system is "Fake News" because of their silver spoon trust fund baby messiah.


    Throwing away so many values for a fraudster rapist, odd.

  8. On 2024-05-13 at 6:34 AM, David P said:

    What's the issue? He should have started crying about it and calling her racist, he didn't so that makes him the bad person? 


    It doesn't make him a bad person.


    Him just taking it with no real push back made him come off as a bitch ass, and a cuck.

  9. 18 hours ago, David P said:

    Lol, coming from the guy trying to link this thread to climate change denial. That's rich. 



    It's called an analogy home slice. And it fits.


    Whether it's Vaccines or Climate Change, I can link dozens of peer reviewed published studies. And all I'll get in return from either "debate" is a bunch of bullshit youtube videos, tweets, and blogs by a bunch of fucking randos. It doesn't even get to be called a "debate". It's fact vs fiction.


    The vaccine worked well, saving millions. Like many other vaccines, it had side effects but the benefits exponentially outweighed the cons on all age groups. It did stop the spread for certain strains, saving millions. Cooke lied, I'm not sure why he thought retweeting randos and Chris Cuomo would win against the scientific consensus. 



    Now continue posting studies like a good bitch for big pharma and avoiding discussing with me like a normal person. 


    This is a science topic. I'm going to use the scientific method. Not the retarded Alex Jones method.


    I will keep posting studies, because almost all of them agree with me. Nearly an entire field of science telling the anti-vaxxers to go fuck themselves. Because that's me owning the fuck out of any the retarded tweets and posts by Cocke. On a purely factual level, no opinion or politics. Also, the studies I used were not the ones done by the in house pharmaceutical companies. I'm not sure what you want to discuss, I literally just objectively disproved the false claims ITT. Easily too, since it's published data on medical journals vs fucking retarded randoms on twitter.

    Cooke couldn't counter any of the studies. He took an L.


    7 hours ago, Cooke said:

    He cares more about party politics and sides than he does the truth. 


    I "believe" in climate change. But seriously stop treating everything like a religion substatic. 


    In what way is this party politics and religion when I'm merely citing apolitical medical journals. What the fuck, that's you guys. Saying an entire field of science is wrong because of a youtube video or tweets by a politically motivated rando, THAT sounds like religion and partisan hackery 🤣😂



  10. 1 hour ago, David P said:

    Subretard fails to understand that while the vaccine has it's uses, it's the way it was pushed on everyone despite potential health risks that was incredibly stupid. Masking was stupid. Vaccinating children was outrageously stupid. 


    Then again this is the guy that is convinced the vaccine saved us money while being completely oblivious to the context at large. :D Largest wealth transfer possible in history from poor to rich? Insane Government over spending on way too many doses that end up in the sink? Completely shutting down the economy? It's all good, the vaccine itself saved us money. Lol, fucking idiot. 


    What an obnoxiously stupid man. Can't even form his own arguments. Time to link more article which completely fails at debunking anything that was said.



    Nice. Conflating the vaccine with masks and lockdowns when an anti-vaccine thread got dunked on with peer reviewed data. A debate tactic that would only fool Tim Pool's most dumbest followers.


    As for you getting mad at peer reviewed studies being linked and directly yeeteing this thread into oblivion, there isn't an argument by me that needs to be formed. I'm fact checking falsehoods by studies directly stating otherwise. It's easy, because you guys are using Joe Fucking Rogan and god damn Chris Cuomo. 


    I'll take it slowly if you think I did a well enough job objectively debunking the trash in this anti science thread,



    During the interview Cuomo offers to share his doctors’ info with him since he is also suffering from a vaccine injury as well.


    Here is the first tweet used by Cooke. We have known for years there are adverse reactions to this vaccine, just like vaccines before covid. Like those Vaccines, the benefits exponentially outweigh the risks for all age groups. Hence me pointing out it has saved 14million globally and 3 million in US in one year alone. On top of $10 Trillion USD in just one year in US. Here are my sources proving this well known fact,


    Benefit-risk assessment of Covid-19 vaccine, MRNA (MRNA-1273) for males age 18–64 years - PMC (nih.gov)

    Benefit-risk assessment of COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA (Comirnaty) for age 16–29 years - PMC (nih.gov)




    Murderous Cunt, Dr. Deborah Birx, is now admitting that the ‘Covid Vaccines’ cause injury and death. Put this Modern-day Bitch of Buchenwald in Prison.


    See the above, it applies to this lunatic tweet Cooke cited.


    Now the direct statements from retards ITT and not the tweets they linked,




    Cocke: They suck, they were rushed. You can't vaccinated away a coronavirus. 

    It should never have been forced on children, it should never have been used as a bludgeon for people to keep their jobs. It didn't prevent transmission, they knew that early on but doubled down on it anyways. How can we trust the science of they use the science to lie?



    Most studies show they were quite effective, are useful for children, and did prevent transmission in certain stages. There is no study showing they "sucked". This is fiction, the above has been debunked time and time again.


    The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine in the prevention of post-COVID conditions: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of the latest research - PMC (nih.gov)

    Analysis: COVID Vaccine Strongly Effective in Young People (pennmedicine.org)

    Vaccination Dramatically Lowers Long COVID Risk | Scientific American

    Lives saved by COVID‐19 vaccines - PMC (nih.gov)

    Vaccine effectiveness against transmission of alpha, delta and omicron SARS-COV-2-infection, Belgian contact tracing, 2021–2022 - PMC (nih.gov)




    Dude knew he was harmed by the vaccine and still went on TV every night and spewed all that shit about the so called “unvaccinated” and how people should be coerced and threatened with the mystery fluid. 

    These doctors, media, and government types can’t rightly be considered “human”. Whatever is going on in their interior life, it doesn’t resemble people like me or people like you. 




    See the above links. This is all fiction.


    I always wondered how countless millions were so easily lead to believe climate change was fake. Now I see how science misinformation can so easily spread.

  11. 58 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Little late to the party there bro. 




    It was 14 years ago.  This isn't some ongoing thing like Biden's current brain melt. 


    Damn this explains so much, dude is a psycho lol. :mj:


    7 hours ago, Cooke said:

    The 2 that survives obviously paid off the right people. 


    You have more brainworms than RFK. Did you even watch the video the tweet you linked mischaracterized? Pulled due to a lowered curve, very effective, and has benefits that outweigh the cons. The second vaccine was pulled because it wasn't made for the latest strain. Jesus Christ your own video refutes the dumbfuck tweet. The second youtube video you just linked had a disclaimer link refuting it lol.


    Without vaccination the U.S. would have experienced 1.5 times more infections, 3.8 times more hospitalizations, and 4.1 times more deaths.


    You wannabe supervillain fucks lost. It was very effective. It's over. 


    Posting twitter and Joe Rogan to refute dozens of peer reviewed studies, why are you so bad at debate. This is literally the same bullshit Climate Deniers used to pull. Post dozens of peer reviewed studies only to be met with Fox News youtube clips. Lose more.


  13. Jesus this thread reads like some weirdo fucking cultist nest. A random tweet with anecdotal evidence is surely enough to beat the scientific consensus via peer reviewed studies. Yes it had some side effects, but the benefits exponentially outweighed these going by every study. Just like many other vaccines. 


    The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine in the prevention of post-COVID conditions: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of the latest research - PMC (nih.gov)

    Analysis: COVID Vaccine Strongly Effective in Young People (pennmedicine.org)

    Vaccination Dramatically Lowers Long COVID Risk | Scientific American

    Lives saved by COVID‐19 vaccines - PMC (nih.gov)


    Based on reported COVID‐19 deaths, vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths (95% credible interval [Crl] 13.7–15.9) from COVID‐19 in a year. 


    This is as dumb as debating climate change. 

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