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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. The burden of proof is on the person who made the claim. You made a rather wild claim. You gave 0 proof. In fact you ended up showing us you did not even know what a port was by definition.
  2. Technically the MS, EA, UBISOFT, etc. shows are all PC shows. Almost all or even all the games are shown on PC since PC is the best gaming platform.
  3. I have to prove your claim is wrong? That's not how this works. You specifically said CP2077 was ported from console to pc. Then you pretended you did not know what a port actually was.
  4. You're not giving me a quote of this CDRP statement, "they call all of them multiplatform development ports." because you made it up. You must prove CP2077 was ported from console to pc.
  5. You're literally lying and making stuff up, I thought you perhaps were being a satirical play. Sorry.
  6. Fakeboy? That link does in no way suggest it was a ported from console to PC....
  7. BTW CDPR admits it willfully neglected Cyberpunk 2077's PS4, Xbox One port | TweakTown lol
  8. But you agree it's not a console port right? You said it was earlier...... I take it you concede?
  9. You literally said the game was ported from console to PC. Then you didn't know what a port was. Do you want a screenshot?
  10. Why did you provide 0 citation that CP2077 was ported from console to PC as you stated? In fact later on you thought simultaneous platform development meant porting. A grave error.
  11. You said CP was ported from console to PC. Such a bold claim requires citation.
  12. You didn't give any citation. You didn't even know what a port was until I told you.
  13. I'm still waiting for citation that CP2077 was ported from console to PC. That's insane.
  14. Quote? That's not a port.... You also literally said it was ported from console to pc. Prove it. They look better.
  15. He asked for games that aren't out yet. You have to take this up with TB. The guy who thought PS4 won over PC last gen for gfx even though the same site he's using now said PC won. heh.
  16. You have not given citation that CP 2077 on PC was ported. Please provide this data.
  17. The stuff you're typing I've never heard before. Like this, Since when is this even a thing.
  18. You've been insulting me for pages now and I barely said anything until now, and even then its toungue N Cheek 🙂 I don't get the whole popped in mouth stuff. It sounds erotic.
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