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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Games that look better than RC 1. CP2077 2. Forza Horizon 5 3. Stalker 2 More to come.
  2. Can you quote where I said that? Because I didn't do that. Give me citation on this. A poll will be required, and it will have to have proper methodology and sample size. Thanks.
  3. Who cares. They look and run better on PC. CP wasn't a port btw. Who cares. They look and run better on PC. CP wasn't a port btw.
  4. It literally gets the most games due to having every xbox exclusives on top of typical multiplats, it's own exclusives, and a few PS exclusives that go to it. This is one of the reasons it had the most AAA/AA at MC and GS last gen. Who cares, they are better on PC. They look and run better. They give PC the gfx king status.
  5. I said that from the first response to them. No. You made that rule up. I don't have to do that. Stalker 2 looks better from that video.
  6. Quite the opposite. It doesn't have many exclusives because all of its games go to other systems but all of other games, almost, come to it. As a net positive it absolutely gets the most AAA/AA (both score and budget) titles. King of gaming. Best gfx. Best online.
  7. Cyberpunk 2077 look better. Stalker 2 looks better. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl — Gameplay Trailer - YouTube I will keep you posted as more E3 videos release. This won't end well for you. It never does. PC wins almost every year and certainly every gen.
  8. You literally already posted shots. CP looks better. Stalker 2 looks better. Proof: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl — Gameplay Trailer - YouTube Better luck with PS6!
  9. I don't have to show. You showed for me. CP looks better and STALKER 2 looks better from the new video today. God knows how many games will look better by the end of 2021!' S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl — Gameplay Trailer - YouTube
  10. Not that simple as it already has a better looking game. But yes there are already announced games that will look better, and as usual PC will win the year/gen.
  11. Cyberpunk 2077 looks better in those pictrures. Also I have a new game to announce as better looking. STALKER 2.
  12. Yeah I was just correcting a false statement. Sorry. Opinion. Opinion Cyberpunk 2077. As far as games this year, I don't know I'll have to see them when they come out. The year is half way through. Hey you said you have CP at max settings and R&C also. Can you be a Doll and just post pictures of both games for me? I don't care about this enough to do that, and I have to take the lady to Starbucks. Thanks! Spoilers: I'll say the CP2077 ones look be
  13. You said I created it. I didn't. We've used it since GS SW. That's a fact. I already answered this with a current game. As far as "going to - this year" is concerned, the year isn't over and more games are to be released. You really want to scrounge for this once in a gen win don't you hehe. Maybe it will happen, highly unlikely given PC already has a better looking game.
  14. This is false, I didn't create it. Going back to GS SW and the site we made after it. PC's gen date counted as the concurrent console's gen. For example, when I state the fact that PC was gfx king last gen I am discussing Generation 8. PC has objectively been graphics king every gen so far. Eighth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia This has been common terminology for PC here. Perhaps you forgot because we literally had stickied threads and spread-sheets showing this. Then no need for ad-homs. I disagree wit
  15. Nope. I just stated otherwise. I'm pushing the fact PC has never lost a gen for gfx, and will not lose this one. It has lost some years, albiet very rarely and only at the start of a gen due to obvious reasons. I do not feel this is one of those instances. That won't work on me. I don't take this stuff personally anymore. Just facts and logic. CP2077 Ultra on PC looks better.
  16. For me to list games that I believe look better than R&C would be my opinion. This would just be me and you going back and forth on our opinions of what looks better until one of us can cite a more official source.
  17. Console has beaten PC in the past. This usually occurs at the first year (and no more than that) of a new gen due to the reasons you listed and reasons I listed. I do not think R&C constitutes as one of those instances. I will confirm this once the year is over.
  18. I'm waiting for DF citation so this doesn't just turn into an opinion wars. Facts and Logic.
  19. BTW I call this the "Start of gen confidence". It literally happens every gen and I'm amazed that after 8 gens you console cultists still get tricked by it and don't understand what is going on. Why am I even saying console, it's just Cows. XB and N fans know their place.
  20. Year isn't over my good friend. I will in fact bump this on Jesus's Birthday. Multiple titles, running on PC, will look better. TB will, as usual, be crying and wrong. PC can't lose. How does it keep getting away with it!?
  21. PC was graphics king vs PS2, PS3, and PS4. PC will be graphics king over PS5. Rest assured. Four time grand champion.
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