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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. That's too bad so sad. PC won last year (meaning it was gfx king for last gen, like the gen before it) and will probably win this year. Just like it won most years of last gen and had the most amount of contenders each year. Better luck with PS6.
  2. It's not marginal for some of the best looking games, and over 95% of the time better experienced on PC with far higher FPS. Most games that come out each year are simply far better on PC so how is that even a sloppy second. And I do not care what you say over DF as well as my own eyes (PC looks way better). A majority of multiplats come out on the same day on PC, and PC gets most of them due to having every single MS Exclusive, it's own exclusives/genres, the most AAA developers, and even some Sony exclusives going to it. When 95% of the entirety of gaming is substantially bet
  3. DF gave the win to PC last year with 2 games. It usually has the most contenders every year.
  4. Literally doesn't change a thing, they were talking about the PC versions specifically. I do not trust your skewed opinion because how wrong you have been in the past. PC will win this year also.
  5. This thread is dumb because last time TB made this thread PC won that year according to Digital Foundry via 2 games ahead of anything on consoles (PC Control and PC CP2077). He's almost always wrong about graphics. PC is always graphics king, deal with it and move on.
  6. How does it hurt the gamer who buys it that can't afford a PC. I don't get it. This is pro gamer, always will be.
  7. NGL First episode of Loki was fucking good IMO. Very good acting, very oddly charismatic main 2 characters. Great music and visuals. Easily far better than the other 2 shows. I hope it keeps this quality.
  8. Why would this effect the gamer.
  9. That'd odd, MC usually has organized lines. Or at least the ones in the East Coast. Also this is so funny, because I literally just walked into my Microcenter with zero lines and very few people in a random day last November and they had a 3080 TUF OC in stock for ~$700 (and another 5% off + sold the CoD it came with for $60). I guess the frenzy has increased exponentially.
  10. MS Keeps killing it with PC(Windows is a MS Platform) and XBOX.
  11. lol the indian guy: "I love them".
  12. I don't know why people get mad at a game going to another system anymore. I think I used to do that like over 10 years ago maybe and I was dumb for it. That's so fucking stupid and lame.
  13. Season 1 was okayish. Hope this time it's better. Had some shitty acting, and network TV quality filming at certain episodes. Like I'm watching Herculus from the 90s. CGI was good so I don't chalk that up to low budget, but poor skill and rushing in the directing/cinematography/editing.
  14. what happened to CDPR....sigh So I tried the new Cyberpunk Update - YouTube
  15. So it's finally out of Alpha and into Beta. Good job Polish trash.
  16. damn he got destroyed when the door hit the pole while he was hanging off it? or when he flew out? fuck RIP.
  17. PC is worse, the best PC mouse doesn't even use USB-C at all
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