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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. It's just a WAPO op-ed article, not policy, so stop being as outraged as a snowflake twitter queen. Seriously the far right have become the new whiny bitches. You're acting like this is policy or actions; like travel bans, trans bans, trying to undo 2020 GE votes from Black counties, racial gerrymandering etc.
  2. Which part did he mention PC gaming, this game runs FAR worse on consoles....
  3. Even Digital Foundry directly disagreed with your TLOU2 vs CP2077 statement for 2020 and gave Cyberpunk the win...and typically give the most wins to games running on PC for last gen. PC was gfx king last year, like most years. The best looking games are consistently games on PC. This is usually never up for debate, except from extreme fanboys. You go to PC for the best in gfx.
  4. 2 27" 4k monitors is probably a better for productivity (being able to make one vertical, use 1 for gaming exclusively while the other has work, and better resolution). One 49" Ultrawide looks cooler/neater.
  5. That's not what TB said. Stop covering for someone who, much like you, doesn't know much about politics.
  6. He doesn't know anything about politics. He thinks impeachment means the Senate vote.
  7. They had the argument, your side lost. That's according to Republican federal judges, Republican DOJ, Republican Secretaries of States, multiple recounts, DHS, etc. They have looked into this election more than they looked at elections that were actually VERY close (this one wasn't close). It's over. They rioted due to the Trump conspiracy theory that the election was rigged and he actually won. These people explicitly said so during the riot on video. They said so in their social media accounts. Trump told them that is what his January 6th event was for. Trump told them so at hi
  8. They literally had the riot because they believed his election conspiracy.....and came from his rally where he told them to go there..... This kid.
  9. Wonder if they will kill cops, beat cops, and try to overthrow elections/democracy.
  10. I have to agree with DynamiteCuck, I rather fucking obliterate and embarrass these goons via post than ban them.
  11. "Law and order" was the new "States Rights". Stop with the code words and just fucking say "I hate N*", it's easier and it's what you want to say in the first place. They don't give two shits about laws or cops, as we saw last week - and as we see extreme right individuals such as DC defend the crazed incel mob.
  12. Yeah trying to stop an election confirmation (and succeeding for several hours) which in itself is historically beyond FUCKED, causing Senators and Congressmen to run into underground bunkers and tweet fairwells to family, and breaching the Capitol for the first time since 1812 is a bit fucking different, lmao. This guy acting like they looted a Walmart. Your attempt at minimizing it, and other extreme far right people on the internet attempting to minimize it have failed. It's too late. Nothing you say, Hannity, Tucker, Alex Jones, KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc. say will change this fact. This
  13. People said the protests were mostly peaceful. Not the riots. And studies show they are correct, the protests were in fact mostly peaceful (over 90%). The Capitol Storming was entirely a riot. You're deflecting incorrectly.
  14. So fucking with Democracy and an Insurrection (and possible terrorism) doesn't count in your purely subjective comparison list, correct? Making Congressmen and Senators (including the 2nd and 3rd in command for US) run into a bunker is not on the list? Do you have a point here? Are you trying to in some wild way suggest this isn't as incredibly bad as it is? I don't understand you goal. I'm only seeing this type of speech on far right boards. Are you trying to minimize this historically damning event?
  15. No. Not the ones who were on Capitol grounds past the first layer of security. That isn't peaceful, especially when you consider the reason they were there. That ended when they pushed past the cops a good deal away from the physical building and were trying to stop the Election confirmation (Which they did). I'm guessing your talking about the people who were watching from far away? Do you have a head count?
  16. Cool let me post a few threads about politics in the System Wars section of this forum and see what you do.
  17. Nope. Once they breached the 4 layers of security even the retards mob just standing around close outside the building were no longer just peaceful protestors. Or are these just dumbshit sarcastic whataboutism posts?
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