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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Nice, police are actually starting to fuck them up as the curfew ended, Mr Elefantes on Twitter: "As curfew passes, police go in hard on trump supporters. Of course we never saw this sort of reaction when BLM set the city on fire and looted hundreds of businesses. https://t.co/QfT3eSRjli" / Twitter
  2. What is he 4 years old and can't figure out that some of it's members are racist as fuck and some aren't? lol. Back on topic: Proud Boys DC Trump Rally: Washington Cops Clash, Blue Lives Matter? - YouTube
  3. Indeed, I'll carry on to talk about the violet low IQ far right Trump cult group. Proud Boys Clash with BLM and Police in Washington DC - YouTube ROFL dude got obliterated.
  4. You're responses in this thread were as if someone literally called them a white supremacist group before your post. I see you are likely trying to derail the thread because you like these weirdos or something. So I'll keep it on topic every time you post with a funny video of these incels getting fucked this week, Tattooed far-right Proud Boys pepper-sprayed by Police - YouTube
  5. You responded with the idiotic straw-man on the second post. Lol you're still so bad at this.
  6. He shouldn't have to start a thread with "DISCLIAMER: THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT ALL WHITE SUPREMACISTS!" to keep you from crying. His thread was about the PB Incels clashing with the cops. A specific event, and details on that event. You've gotten somehow even worse at debating than in old GS. Now sure how this was even possible.
  7. Glad you admit to making stuff up about what other people said to form a false argument. There are members that are racist. But that doesn't mean the group is a white superacist group. You should probably do research first before coming off as clueless with two straw-men. Anyway, I'm glad they got rekt by the cops. They're a pretty repugnant bunch.
  8. This thread: Ghostz learning what a straw-man argument is. Class is over now that you got fucking owned.
  9. Who said that the leader was white in this thread. Are you pretending to be dumb as a form of bait/trolling?
  10. Anyway back on topic and away from the guy defending Proudboys (why do I even have to type that...sigh Ghostz). Pro-Trump protesters, DC police clash near White House | TheHill
  11. Straw Man Fallacy A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person’s argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making. The question is if it's intentional or if you're a retard.
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