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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. TC is trolling but it's actually due to CDRP trying to do both last and next gen consoles, none of the issues appear to be PC related.
  2. I actually like DLSS Quality over DLSS-off (not speaking about rtx effects), it smooths out some of the remaining jaggies and dodgy lines.
  3. Just read detailed FBI investigator reports on the Black Water case. HOLY FUCK how some of those people died, Including women and children. 100% unquestionable criminal convictions handed out, with ludicrous amounts of evidence. No contraversey, purely done and done shut case. A massacre. How could he pardon these guys.....that's straight up murderous psychopaths with no real semblance of a "other side" to the factual series of events (including the botched attempted cover up). This is beyond fucked up the ass, and I now know why no conservative has posted ITT.
  4. PC continues to be graphics king. Can't believe a few Sony Cultists here actually think PS took the spot over PC.
  5. Thread backfired fast. House GOP rejects unanimous consent on $2,000 direct payments | TheHill
  6. You not liking what a single Ethics Professor stated doesn't mean a specific party is dragging the country down, what a fucking stupid notion. How that thought even entered your mind while the current GOP POTUS resides over a failed pandemic response and recession is amazing. Your culture war nonsense is idiotic and only effects twitter queens (both left and right) - not the US. Democrat run areas have a higher HDI, QoL (not the environmental only QOL), and Standard of Living (on average). Democrat president's have a superior economic track record.
  7. Mostly because you don't have a political party as far right as the GOP. Or a population with as many far right conservatives. Also lol thread title still makes you seem like you don't know much about politics at all.
  8. I really hope they use that cash on a HUGE and free DLC that fixes a lot of problems and maybe adds some stuff. Cancel the stupid Online mode if you have to for now.
  9. Trump heads off to Mar-a-Lago after dropping covid bill grenade – but will he come back? | The Independent Unless you can find me a tweet or story about him discussing this with Nancy.
  10. The "literal nazis" are why it was brought down to $600. You really don't know much about US politics do you? P.S. Trump is already ignoring Nancy's $2000 bluff call.
  11. This is deflection and doesn't refute his statement. The stories you are posting are based off of something else.
  12. 1. Several factors. This includes GDP and Jobs, yes. You trying to discount these 2 factors with a lie is not important. https://www.moodysanalytics.com/-/media/article/2020/the-macroeconomic-consequences-trump-vs-biden.pdf The Macroeconomic Consequences: Trump vs. Biden INTRODUCTION In this analysis we assess the macroeconomic consequences of the economic policies proposed by the presidential candidates. During their campaigns, President Trump and Vice President Biden have put forward a wide range of proposals to change the tax code, government spending, and other econ
  13. Interesting slogan spam, but the US Economy does better under Democrats. This includes Biden vs Trump 2021+ projections. Trump had one of the worst economies in history. I can't believe your sentence was written in seriousness. Considering Trump's attack on Democracy these last few weeks, I doubt he cares about that fake meme slogan you just repeated.
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