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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. The US economy will likely do better under Biden than Trump. You're finding spin to make that a bad thing.
  2. Trash spin. He will be better for the US economy too according to analytics. Just like most Democrats are much better for the US Economy over the last 70 years. That wasn't for China, that was better for USA long term. Until the GOP always fucks it up, that's BAD for short and long term. I'm sure when the economy does better under Biden than Trump and other Republicans (it will), Fox and Breitbart will be using this fucked in the head talking point "But it' also making China good, so a better US economy actually sucks guys!" to trick it's low IQ base. Bad spin is bad s
  3. I don't want either. I settled for something that is far less fucked up the ass. That's reasonable.
  4. This investigation is based off of the laptop stuff? I thought it was an unrelated topic. Link?
  5. I'd rather he be useless than competely fuck shit up. Not exciting, but not a nightmare either. That's a big difference........... I'll take it.
  6. I very much doubt he'll be as bad as Trump or the Bushes. And don't say both sides. That's a false equivalency, Dems do way better on the economy (you know, the big one), and I bet Biden will as well. Dems don't get the worship of White Supremacist groups (main source of domestic terror). Dems believe in climate change. A tad important...
  7. Yawn. This is shitty reach. As long as he doesn't screw things up like GOP presidents typically do we'll be fine.
  8. I don't. Every gender (among other things) is sexualized in that game, what gives them a special out.
  9. I played it without shooting tho. One of my V is a dude who punches stuff the other is a dude who only casts spells (quickhacks). They can do everything on very hard with ease.
  10. Twinbalde told me an last gen Sony game was graphics king for 2020 though.
  11. Do you have work at home too? Getting to play video games while being payed until next summer, Corona Chan
  12. 5 month signature ban bet that this game looks and runs better than on PS5. Oh wait, we already know it looks and runs better on PC
  13. So this game, like 99% of multiplats, doesn't look and run better on PC? Why were you denying this fact for 3 pages when it ended up happening?
  14. What. That screenshot is from PS5. So you disagree with the fact this looks and runs better on PC than on PS5? Citation?
  15. Looks much better on PC and runs substantially better on PC. TB lost the ban bet. (Open in new tab).
  16. Aww. So another GOP recession in 4-7 years? FUCK! I'm glad you concede to this election btw. Even many many low IQ Trumpers won't. Like a better economy and covid ending? hehe. Sounds like you're describing a conservative nation/politicians. Meanwhile you love when this money goes to poor red counties (which most of it goes to). Blue counties and states have a higher human development index and standard of living on average. By a lot. Democrat Presidents have a better
  17. Can't wait to play this on max in 2 days. DLSS here I cum.
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