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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Seems like rave reviews outside of political SJW nonsense. 91%
  2. GS review doesn't count in this situation. They have Tanny agenda. MC it is. 91%.
  3. 91% metacritic though. So at least it probably will be a good game to play fanboy bullshit aside.
  4. But I want to play the real version of that game.
  5. PC has more big budget AAA titles than PS4. 🙂 PS4 has its perks. If I liked movie games I would buy one to play those 3 or 4 titles over the coarse of 8 years. While I play literally everything else on PC heh (and online).
  6. Can't wait for the real version of Final Fantasy on PC. Lmao beta testing low fps low settings scumbags.
  7. PC gets the most big budget AAA titles. First place is first place. What. PC is gfx king every year. Even DF is hesitant to give the award to Sony games due to PC titles. Cows here are nuts. Now go play the shitty version of Cyberpunk and all other major releases. If you care about gfx you buy a brand new GPU, not PS5. You don't care about gfx. And lets not even discuss performance lmao. Worse Experience Station. PC vs PS4 for last gen: PC won in AAA/AA total by a lot. (you know, the main thing SW com
  8. www.gamespot.com Games search feature. Narrow 2012-2020 for PS4 andPC, take out PSN PS3 BC titles. PC has almost a triple digit lead of high scoring games over PS4 last gen. PC won last gen, by a large margin. I'm not sure why this is even a mystery. It gets literally every major release other than 3 or 4 Sony Movie games on top of every XB exclusive on top of a few PS exclusives on top of a few exclusive genres. If you know how math works, it's impossible that PC will ever lose a library count ever again with how it gets funneled titles from almost every major
  9. Seems like kids are trolling here. Watched the full DF Video. In total the PS5 uses lower settings on average, and lower FPS. And that's with a shitty GPU. In other words, Best on PC. Fucking SW gaslighting lol.
  10. Speak for yourself. I spent like $1300 (not thousands) and it beats the fuck outta PS5. Ferrari vs Civic.
  11. Now you can play that low fps PS5 at blazing internet speeds.
  12. I don't have to follow your straw-man argument and opinions. I follow the facts. PC gets almost every single major release known to man, on top of all XB exclusives and a few PS exclusives and a few of it's own Exclusive Genres. The result is an AAA library that fucks PS or XB (individually) up the ass. Oh, and they are all far better on it. In the "golden age" you describe it got far less of these. The trade off was not worth it, a few exclusives (those get made anyway, who cares if they go to XB or PS). A better question would by, why shouldn't I play 99% of major releases (wh
  13. Indeed. Having the most AAAs, AAs, best graphics, best performance, and best online is so stupid. Winning in all major facets, very irrelevant. What an outdated viewpoint. We've gotta look at what system has a handful of more short singleplayer exclusives. Not if they lose in those above categories.
  14. Arbitrary qualifier for value. IE: System 1: 200 AAA big budget games (and all play much better on it) System 2: 150 AAA big budget games (but 10 of those are exclusive, most play either 2nd or 3rd worst. Much lower FPS and usually lower visuals). I know the better system in that scenario. Subjective. What does this even mean. Most multiplats are on PC. I know that PC multiplats like WoW, CS, Overwatch, Dota, and PubG change the industry. Those are the most profitable and most played genres now. What did movie games transform? The bigg
  15. I'll be getting lucky with over 90% of multiplats this gen. Just like last gen and the gen before it. You're being a clown. PC has better hardware, things will look and run better on it. This isn't going to be the magical first time when that didn't happen. It's going to happen. It's already happening. The hardware gap is huge this time, it's common sense and inevitable. Nope. PC wins this gen like every other gen. Laugh it up this month or two....or actually 4 more days. RIP to you. Those games look and run better on PC. I've
  16. Almost every DF face off with PC in it last gen had PC win. That will happen this gen. In fact I'm positive Cyberpunk will look and run better on PC. Permanent ban bet? Don't chicken out. So it will look better (varying, some games its extreme some subtle - still always can easily see the difference though) but run substantially better. The FPS on these PS5 games blows. So yeah, PC is king as always. We go through this at the start of each gen before more next gen games come to PC. Literally the same 3-4 month period....every 7-
  17. Not according to Digital Foundry. Almost every game last gen looked and run much better on PC. Multiplats look and run much better on PC. Just like every gen. You're using a hail marry due to it being a new gen and lack of games for DF reviews. Permanent ban bet that Cyberpunk will look and run better on PC. By some you mean 1 out of almost every other video game. Nice. What do you mean. PC now gets more games than ever from other systems, giving it the most AAAs and AAs last gen and each year. PC i
  18. Literally 99% of other multiplats. You're bringing up this 1 game (which is still better on PC) and that 1 setting. But I can literally bring up almost every other video game. This is how fucked you are in this arguement.
  19. That seems highly subjective based off of nothing but internet fanboyism. You aren't the CEO. It doesn't matter if you system had 3-4 more "cutting edge" AAA exclusives when PC had dozens of more cutting edge AAAs in general including almost every major release and substantially better version of almost every single major release. "Oh no, my cult leader CEO isnt' going to get as rich!". Having the most AAAs and AAs to play is still having the most AAAs and AAs to play on a single system. Most of the biggest games each gen are on PC and much better on it. And I don't know w
  20. Much better looking version of most games, and more importantly 2-3x the FPS. Speaking of library it gets more AAA/AA than ever, easily getting far more than other systems each gen. Who cares if they can be played on another system compared to the early 2000s, we aren't the CEO's of these companies. All that matters is we get the most of them and they are far superior on PC.
  21. Resolution scales to the same resolution lower (1440p) and upper bounds(4K) on PS5 and X. Every next gen version hits 30fps and never drops.
  22. Microcenter. Same with CPU. Someone who was there told me and I just went there and walked in and got them around 11am. No lines. Lucky I guess.
  23. ryzen 5600x, rtx 3080 oc tuf, 16gb 3600, 34gp83a-b, 1tb hynix gold p31 nvme, ikea oak looking countertop. I don't game or even use my PC quite as much as I used to so didn't go with the crazy shit like 3090, 5900x, gen 4 nvme, etc.
  24. Nice, I just built mine few weeks ago from scratch and also got new desk/monitor. It's not super top end parts, but good enough.
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