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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Nice, got a 3080 TUF from Microcenter today, and for 5% off. Gonna try to sell this piece of shit CoD Cold War code if I can. I kinda wanted to try the whole SAM AMD thing though but I'll take what I can get.
  2. And many of his incel fans that clip created. But yeah, tweeting links to The Gateway Pundit climate articles is retarded.
  3. You're not fooling anyone. Even you know how weak consoles are next gen.
  4. Yeah but what FPS does recommended constitute as these days? I don't like playing stuff under 100 fps anymore. Hell I can't even stand simply using Windows anymore at 60hz, compared to 144hz.
  5. Yeah, it's the nice theory where I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. The other theory is that he's just a fucking retard when it to some topics.
  6. Seems like he's a semi-drifter, but not as bad as Pool. https://cleantechnica.com/2018/12/20/jordan-b-peterson-climate-change-denier-faux-lover-of-science/ He clearly has his own psychological theory, but then he adopts random far right lunacy sometimes because he needs his fans clicks.
  7. I can't give an example to disprove an imaginary claim. PS5 nor the game for it in question are out yet. PC will remain gfx king, like it did the last 3 gens.
  8. What's the Cows infatuation with load times and not fps or gfx this gen? Kinda sad how far the not so mighty have fallen.
  9. Jonathin Ballsack getting a good gaming system for a change. Jerry did you a favor. I can imagine it now "I only got this thing for a bet, I totally play all my games on XBOX because low fps and low settings and less AAA games is so fun!"
  10. Already 30,000 infections and 700 estimated deaths due to those Trump Super Spreaders. And that's just some of them. Why do you want people to die? You seem demented and insane.
  11. lol it's like he's trying his hardest to lose votes of people who aren't retarded.
  12. Even if that DailyTrash is real, how is any of it illegal or how does it implicate Biden of anything illegal? P.S. You do know It's November and that October Surprise fizzled out fast and amounted to nothing and it's too late, right?
  13. Doesn't xbox have better specs, so it should look and run better on xb? Also doesn't xb have better mod support? Either way haha distant 2nd for each.
  14. PC got the most AAA titles last gen due to this strategy of sucking everyone's games in. It is the platform where the biggest MP games and Esports are played on, by exponential margins. It also won GS and MC for aaa/aa count with around 100 games over the second best system. It gets every xbox exclusive, many PS ones, while getting every major 3rd party game on top of it's own exclusive. Many with extra features, and almost always the by far superior version. The hell are you on about. It's THE premiere gaming system.
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