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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. I don't understand why he's even defending the trucks surrounding the Biden van. Any side who does this is scum. This hyper-partisan nonsense has to end.
  2. DHS Report Says White Supremacist Groups Are Deadliest US Terror Threat https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2020/10/07/white-supremacist-groups-pose-greatest-us-domestic-terror-threats Far-Right Groups Are Behind Most U.S. Terrorist Attacks, Report Finds White supremacist groups have carried out a majority of “terrorist plots and attacks” this year, according to a report by a think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/24/us/domestic-terrorist-groups.html White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists a
  3. How is this not a cult. You defend him no matter how incorrect he is lol. This is insane.
  4. Not according to the FBI or DHS or other reports. Right wing is still on top. By far.
  5. They were boxing the bus in and slowing it according to reports. The event had to be cancelled. Do you accept these kind of tactics?
  6. A majority of domestic terror is from the far right over the last few years.
  7. Because the intel agencies briefed the POTUS and Trump on it. They ran stories on the briefing and information.
  8. When the two biggest (Carlos being the other) PC haters in all of online platform wars still can't resist to getting a top tier rig..... God of god of Systems. PC is king.
  9. I actually could have bought one at microcenter today, I didn't cause I want a card faster than 3070 lol.
  10. Not for Raytracing, and probably stability. Either way both better than shitbox.
  11. He is going to unstack the far right stacked court(s) by adding more judges who are not far right. Don't buy the bullshit about originalists, they flip flop on that. These judges who make far right SUBJECTIVE rulings are selected by far right politicians to appease their far right base. That's all it's about.
  12. The main character of that movie was HOT.
  13. Lock your own thread, kid. Just like how you had to lock Cocke's thread that was stupid enough to cite literal fake news James O'Keefe and pretended you locked it due to "out of hand". I'm noticing it's mostly the far right posters here citing literal fake news.
  14. I'm just kinda surprised how accurate that DX intro turned out to recent events.
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