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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. In none of these quotes did I call Catholics a cult or insult them as a whole, but If you saw it like that I'm sorry. I don't see any "religious racism". If you disagree, consult a moderator. What revisionist history is this, your team didn't even think global warming was real until recently and many still don't. And lets not even get into AGW (which is a fact), which even less conservatives believe in. Including the POTUS at times. Polling shows this. Trump on climate change report: 'I don't believe it' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-c
  2. When I say cult I'm talking about the Trump GOP, not Catholics. I have no issue with an entire religion. Relax and stop being such a snowflake. Also, lol when the Pope is better than you at science. Yes. I want to do this, lets talk about how your scientifically inept team was wrong about AGW for decades and still is wrong about it. Yeah turbines kill birds, but not enough to "cancel" them - a pilot study is better than a Trump meme, and I'll continue to link those findings I used in my last post among others (meanwhile no counter-citation will be given proving those comparison n
  3. I'm not on the far left and agree with you on some of that. Like many sane people who agree with AGW science, I prefer Nuclear. Those against it are not against it due to AGW. Wind mills are fine, bird meme is stupid. I'm center left and moderate. So that strikes out most of your post. But those things you listed do not counter what I stated. Cherry picking aside, the left has been far better on climate change so far and actually accepting the facts and science on it. That's a large mistake when looking at all peer reviewed studies on AGW. Lik
  4. Latina by 100000% then after that its all the same as long as they are hot. Also this applies to IRL and not just porn, so thread is less weird.
  5. God I hope she isn't full conservative retard when it comes to climate change at least. Going to be way more important than abortion in the upcomming decades. Your cult has a bad track record on that topic.
  6. Meanwhile, straight racism still working great for the Republicans decades after the Southern Strategy. Racial gerrymandering and Racial Voter suppression still core to their tactics (as seen in leaked documents). Most hate groups found in Red counties, including the right wing KKK and right wing Neo Nazis. Lease diverse senate and congress by exponential margins. Lowest % of minority votes by exponential margins (Trump's rallies are almost all white too lol). Make up almost all domestic terror recently which involves shooting up Jews, Women (incels), or Blacks. Trump saw a tiny
  7. Ahhh, a hypocrite of course: Trump’s potential Supreme Court nominee slammed Obama for trying to ‘dramatically flip the balance of power’ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/amy-coney-barrett-trump-supreme-court-nominee-merrick-garland-obama-b558365.html
  8. I never said they are. I was replying to: The thing is they are partisan though, and they do interpret it in biased manners. That's why conservatives pick conservative judges and vice versa. I just think it would be pathetic when a court leans heavily towards the right when the country is headed in a different direction. Especially on topics like that. Several judges clearly are partisan at times, making clearly right wing decisions which is why they are nominated by right wing politicians. To carry out such decisions.
  9. It is, going by the data. And on major issues that people are talking about in regards to SCOTUS it clearly isn't right leaning. Record 71% of Voters Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade https://www.wsj.com/articles/record-71-of-voters-oppose-overturning-roe-v-wade-1532379600 This is what bothers me so much about a stacked conservative court. Will of the people means nothing, and no term limits so it's all a lottery decided on which justice dies or leaves randomly.
  10. Nice. Cows can have their soccer mom casual "My first video game" movie bullshit.
  11. It was in the first post above the latest bump, which was today. Stop taking everything so personally. You are wrong on an objective level, KB/M is factually better for shooters. I understand you "prefer" controller for them, but that's like "preferring" 30 and 60 hz/fps over 120 and 144 hz/fps (Which many console cucks claimed last gen for "teh cinematic experience"). You might like it more, but it's factually worse in every way.
  12. For FPS/most TPS/MMO/MOBA/RTS/TBS/ARPG/CRPG/most WRPG/Sim the kb/m is best by miles in every category ever or at least better than controller in every way. Forget the fact that a mouse is objectively several times far smoother and precise for any shooter or first person game for viewing (making it more comfy no matter what you say, especially with a light weight ergo).......Clicking panda switches on my KB feels several times better than any controller button I've used and I've used all major ones. And It has several times more of them. Controller is no doubt good for some genres
  13. Now you feel the PC gamers pain from 3080 fucked cock sucker launch (which remains just as fucked).
  14. Sony has good studio if you are a non gamer who likes only movie games.
  15. Bullshit. You like the conservative judges right wing OPINIONS. You dislike the liberal judges left wing OPINIONS. That's all it is. Nothing else.
  16. Looks like Biden will have to expand the SCOTUS and put in several extra liberal seats. LOL backwards ass conservatives thinking their unpopular and dying ways can last by ram rodding a ultra lopsided right wing SCOTUS. Last hurrah.
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