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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Ya just bite the bullet and stream it. People's home theater systems are better than theaters anyway with OLED, Phillips Hue Sync, and Atmos.
  2. mis-information regarding a serious health matter is not good.
  3. What's your point. Trump is more racist and is going to lose the Black vote bigly. I just find this thread funny, are you new to politics? At least Biden isn't up to 15k+ lies.
  4. Considering the bogus bullshit Trump is spewing I guess its only fair game to sling that at this point.
  5. Yeah for those who even believe all this fabricated hype about burning cities, then they would be voting for Biden anyway. This is happening under Trump.
  6. Obvious political stunt is obvious. Couple this with lying about Biden wanting to abolish the police at the same time. He thinks people are going to forget about the real issue, Covid and the Economy.
  7. Crappy launch games, who buys these consoles at full price on launch lol
  8. On the flip side him being rich and famous might be why some people do care about his mental health rather than just tossing him into the loony bin for the rest of his life. That being said, Kardshitstains are only relevant/famous because that one bitch got a BBC tape leaked.
  9. Jesus just take the hit and release it in a year when virus isn't killing people, or online streaming.
  10. Sounds like he's a far right incel. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/20/us/suspect-shooting-at-judge-salas-home/index.html
  11. Holy shit that was almost on the level of Chris Wallace's father's interviews. Trump was melting. If you haven't seen it look at some of Mike Wallace's classics.
  12. So much fucking plastic in her (and a 24/7 constant tan aka skin cancer). IWHI.
  13. What do you guys say is a good case but also looks good?
  14. That case looks good in person, you are all gay as hell.
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