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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. More conservatives and conservative ran areas are obese, by a decent amount. Some of this is linked to GOP policy and conservative mindsets, going by studies (and common sense).
  2. I randomly googled GOP opposition towards her lunch program and that was the first link. I can find many more examples if you would like. The entire point of my post was to show how stupid those 2 Obama posts were. And they WERE stupid. P.S. You're triggered over an article with Trump's name on it, but funny how you aren't giving them shit about bringing crazy Obama conspiracy theories which actually started this debate.
  3. You didn't refute the study, so I won't even acknowledge the first half of your post. As for this garbage shit-post, I didn't even bash Trump nor was that the point of the post.....what the fuck. He blamed Obama for these kind of advertisements (initiating the "debate"), I simply found that odd considering the intention of their school lunch initiative. I don't know how you can get tangled over such a simple post chain.
  4. Check On Your Black Gamer Friends In the midst of social upheaval, we should work to reclaim the gaming community as affirming spaces from everyone. Check on your black gamer friends. Listen to their stories. Think about how you can affirm their presence in the real and online gaming communities you inhabit. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/check-on-your-black-gamer-friends/1100-6479319/ lol.
  5. Meh. You can't have it both ways crying about people being fat and eating shit but then bashing Obama's school lunch plan. "We found that the implementation of the new meal standards was associated with the improved nutritional quality of meals selected by students. These changes appeared to be driven primarily by the increase in variety, portion size, and the number of servings of fruits and vegetables," the study concludes, according to a statement. A bigger feat, however, was suggested by data showing that meal participation has barely changed. In the school district
  6. Didn't your retarded kind get upset at Michelle trying to get kids to be less fat? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/17/us/politics/michelle-obama-school-nutrition-trump.html
  7. How the fuck is this allowed to play randomly on any channel, And how is that even responsible. Ice Cream company telling people it's okay to kill themselves....
  8. LTT monitor reviews are shit tbh.
  9. Ya I can't wait to play this and Horizon (real versions).
  10. UW is the most immersive thing outside of VR, without all the hassles of VR. Especially for open world games its on another level than regular widescreen. It's just better. I wonder if PS5/XBSEX will support that.
  11. Supposedly a decent and cheap Sony HDR tv came out yesterday. But it doesn't work with any vrr and has poor refresh rate if you care about that. https://www.digitaltrends.com/tv-reviews/sony-x900h-4k-hdr-tv-review/
  12. Are you talking about Trump and his 130k kill count and 20+ rape accusations?
  13. Barr gonna send his hitmen again? Same guy you think?
  14. Ehh quite the opposite for me. PC has a lot more actively played titles each with lots of more people than anything on consoles apart from the latest shooter (which is really all consoles has, everyone flocking to the latest COD oR BF - but then you're playing a shooter at low frames and on thumbsticks lmao!). I guess it depends on the game.
  15. First I've heard about this today, thanks.
  16. You do know that Trump's assassin beat Clinton's assassin on the way there. It pretty much played out like this,
  17. Several parties over 15 years. Some parties with just him and 20+ payed women. Also allegations both raped a 13 year old. Why do you spin so hard.
  18. The tiny amount of esports console even had gets rekt, lol.
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