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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Why is the system with ~100 more AAA/AAs video games, better gfx, better frames, and better online the worse system? Because it's missing 3 or 4 movie games? But your system is missing dozens of other games from other genres, and is ugly, low fps, and has the worst online by significant margins. Competitive gaming doesn't even exist on it. I don't get your logic here. Did you forget every XB exclusive becoming a PC game, but not going on to Playstation? Did you forget many PS exclusives becoming PC games, but not going to XB?
  2. A raw unfiltered high scoring total library list for a Gen is old ideals and blind fanboyism? Are you demented? TB you must have contracted Covid-19 because you are acting delirious. 1. FPS still sucks cock on controller which is why competitive shooters on PC are substantially more played and esports substantially more used on PC. The latest Doom is fucking retarded on controller. Any online FPS is fucking retarded on controller. Thumbstick is too god damn slow. 2. Why are you using MC all of a sudden when PC won MC this gen? I thought that was "blind fanboy
  3. I'm sure that new softcore lesbian porn game will be up on youtube soon. Pressing the play and stop/forward/rewind buttons is already more than which is required from the actual game. Actually it might even have 60 fps option, putting it at better gfx too.
  4. Metro Exodus: a vision for the future of graphics technology The PC version of Metro Exodus is a genuine game-changer for graphics technology - a vision of the way in which developers can take real-time rendering to the next level. In some respects, it is this generation's Crysis moment - where the current state of the art is pushed to its limits, and where we see an aggressive push to deliver a taste - and maybe more - of next generation graphics. TB stop moving goal posts and being wrong at each new turn. PC ports used to be broken as fuck, now they are a
  5. Piss 4 is a door stop that you only take out once a year to play the yearly over-hyped and over-rated (liberal reviewers) movie game which you could have just watched on youtube. I expect Piss 5 to be no different.
  6. Will you continue to ignore PC won Gen8 according to old SW, Side-Scroller, SW2, and this SW meta-game standards? You lost the factual argument on library numbers, and now you've moved on to subjective arguments. As expected. I want you to know you lost that debate before we continue down these goal post moves. Kind of tired of goal post moving by you. Lost on library lost on gfx, now you're on to this fuzzy "bu bu exclusive GOTY!" BS. Having stated those facts, let me indulge your bullshit: 1. No system will get a shooter on those levels. That's a gamin
  7. BodyCLIT (Not even the real one btw, the one with big boobs died or something) will in fact start a GGLM (GAY GAMER LIVES MATTER) and we will tarnish this place.
  8. Which system won Gen8 going by the the count we have used since old SW or even new SW that was temporarily devised. Answer this question. If you don't I consider it your concession.
  9. 1. And many of games in those genres are still excursive on PC. You missed the "most" part. 2. So? And even more console games are being made for PC. XB has no exclusives. PS hand a handful. Welcome to the gaming industry. 3. PC still gets exclusive TBS/RTS/MMO/MOBA. Theres nothing to look forward to PC except for getting the most games. What a great problem to have. More than any other system. AAA/AA. Indy or Big Budget. What is the problem here? How is this a bad thing? Also why didn't you list XBX? Do MS exclusives not exist? Why are you
  10. Counting a flat 8+ scoring tally like we have done at the end of every Gen is being a blind fanboy?........... That's literally the purest form of library wars. No made up rules. No caveats. No fanboy bullshit where you exclude a game that was only on 2 systems. Which system had the most high scoring titles, very simple. As unbiased as it gets. I think you're losing your mind or something. Are you trolling? Add as many arbitrary non-real life effecting rules you want, PC won with a huge margin. You can live in some fake world where "console exclusives" that are playable
  11. Unless it's a genre that doesn't work well on controllers (most rts/moba/mmo/tbs/sim) there is no reason not to put the game on consoles as well. It's profit and not in competition..... IT's the same reason PC gets the most games from the other way around.... You're confused in terms of the state of the industry.
  12. Nah. I'll take having far more GFX KING contenders, exponentially better online, and having substantially more AAA/AA (yes, that also includes more big budget titles - so you can't even cry about Indies anymore). Gaming is my hobby, so I'd rather not bullshit skimp on it. Asking someone to give up on better gfx, much higher fps, and almost a hundred more high scoring games just for 3 or 4 non-gamer movie games after 8 years is demented. Also according to DF (and eyes) it's not "slightly" for most of this gens best games.
  13. BTW i'm glad you moved the goal post from library to gfx (another losing arguement) after you lost that debate. MC/GS citation was too strong. So you've veered to something a bit more "subjective".
  14. Are you fucking kidding me, lmao. Each end of year video of Digital Foundry after UC4 says a new game(s) are now the best looking. Not UC4 still. No one ever mentioned UC4 each subsequent year after it came out. A quick look at any direct-feed gameplay UC4 shot will show you why. The ONLY PS4 game they ever nut-hugged was HZD, but only the year it came out. It was surpassed as well - and it'll look best on PC anyway. Control PC: a vision for the future of real-time rendering? https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2019-control-pc-a-vision-for-next-gen-re
  15. I don't get what the problem here is. All of XB games are multiplats now as well. If PC has 400 playable high scoring games and system P has 300 high scoring playable games, what does it matter? You seem like your making up arbitrary reasons as to why PC didn't win Gen 8 and doesn't have the best library this gen. Also PC's most played genres are exclusive genres or made on PC first....(BR/MOBA/MMO) By the way this whole trend of XB and PS giving PC it's games (but not to each other) is increasing, so expect PC to win next gen as well. With bigger margins.
  16. Are you kidding? UC4 isn't even the best looking console game. Legit RDR2 on XBX looks way better, and with larger spaces. That's old bait, why didn't you at least bait with God of War 5? Oh right, DF couldn't even call it the best of it's year, much less the gen. PC ULTRA: Control. Metro. BF1. BF2. RoTR, Forza, Battlefront 2. RDR2. Gears V. and many more etc. It's not even close.
  17. Yeah console online is pretty anemic, and even worse if you're talking about competitive gaming. Thank god for PC.
  18. Sure I'll explain. 1. But these games do not go to every console. IE: MS Exclusives (Gears 5) or Sony Exclusives (Bloodborne). PC quite literally is getting the most big budget games, bar none, due to this "little" loop-hole. 2. Exclusive TBS, Sim, MMO, RTS, MOBA, exist and count. No matter your opinion on these awesome genres. Go to MC or GS and count each 8.0-10.0 release from each system from 2012 to 2020. When you're done get back to me so you can apologize. By any known SW measure PC decimated Gen 8.
  19. According to DF I decimate XBX games. I'm not playing on med/low at low fps. Sorry. Hard to give up Ultrawide now as well. Also there is this thing called online and games library, I want good version of those too.
  20. I had a 1080 and then a 2070S and they buried XB this gen. I'm holding out for the 3080 or whatever the fuck Nvidia releases for next gen. I only do Nvidia because I prefer Gsync with my AW 3420dw, and their drivers are smoother than AMD.
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