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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Substatic


    Nothing I just wrote was a lie.
  2. Substatic


    Must be why it has the most high scoring games, players, e-sports, software revenue, and hardware revenue. Go play your little toy.
  3. In fact I have a hard time finding a face off article with PC where PC isn't the clear winner. GTA, Every version to date has impressed, but in the PC's case we have the true pack leader, and its GPU benchmarks at peak settings are sure to give upcoming GPUs firm workout. More than that, Rockstar's multi-platform wizardry here sets a high bar of expectation for whatever project it pursues next. Gaylo, The remade graphics scale rather well to 4K, the system requirements are not onerous - and crucially, it is a more than worthy replacement for the 2007 PC relea
  4. Go through every single Face Off. Over 90% of wins for PC. You're lying. And what does my CC statement have to do with any of this, you're still weird as ever.
  5. Weak reply once I provided that I have a valid source of citation showing he is lying. JonB has been stomped once again. On to the next thread.
  6. Broken? DF faceoffs have it over 95% rate of better on PC. Many times substantially so. Over 90% released same month. Many with extra features.
  7. I'll just link DF articles again for yet another gen. You guys were so quiet last gen because XB1 was a distant 3rd place in tech lol. All of a sudden getting roudy, and only for a few months until it's back to distant miles behind.
  8. Pay 2x to 3x to have 2x to 3x the AAA+AA titles, better gfx, better performance, and WAY better online. Sounds like a good deal to me.
  9. Nope. My PC always has been better. It will be better again for next gen. Doesn't matter though, Digital Foundry will show us again 30 fps on low <<< 60-100+ fps on High/Ultra.
  10. We've been through this for 3 gens. The fact that you end up having to STFU about hardware for 7 out of 8 years of the gen for 3 gens in a row and you're still doing this shows a severe lack of learning capabilities. If you somehow fell and hit your head, resulting in memory loss, I'll explain it to you. XBOX is not ahead, it never will be ahead. It has a nice price:performance advantage at the start of the gen like with the last 3 XBOX gens. That's it. You're super happy about a distant 2nd place.
  11. You mean PC games. If they play, look, and run better on PC they are also PC games. Objectively speaking. So who cares even if that was true (most are made for PC at the same times, not just crappy ports)? It gets the most AAA/AA games period. Anything else is an excuse. You guys take second place hard.
  12. And double the AAA/AA titles at Gs and MC. Games will look and run better on PC, like they did for the last 3 gens. Relax with the bullshit. You're going to be playing the bad version of games for 8 years, with perhaps a minor leg up for the first year of the gen. We've been through this 3 times, how have you not learned yet. 4th try is sure as fuck not the charm.
  13. I never said it will match the price for performance. If you want to buy the better item you pay more. Welcome to capitalism, you liberal scum.
  14. No I didn't, and no I won't. I wait for sales, and have a better system than consoles for 90% of the gen . lol 30 fps on low.
  15. The XBOX and PS shows WERE the PC shows you freaks, lmao! Almost every game shown was on PC, and will be substantially better on PC. And MOST of those games won't go to each other, meaning PC will be left with a rather significant AAA/AA lead again rofl!
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