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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. ~40fps vs ~90-120fps.....😐 That video isn't comparing it to consoles. The DF video in the Ghostz original post does. The PC version straight up looks substantially better while running at 2-3x the FPS. It's literally best on PC and a great example of best on PC. Just like SM and MM. This isn't debatable for these 3 games..... I always discuss high end PCs when discussing SW stuff. Any time we're comparing multiplats I consider high end, it's been like this since GS.
  2. How is ~90-120 not 2-3x of 40~. Lmao wtf 1st grade math fail!? So it runs two to three times better and looks SUBSTANTIALLY better. This isn't even a debate. Dude, wtf? So? I own a 4080. I'm always going to revert to the high end when comparing multiplats. We've done this since GS:SW.
  3. Not into hatchbacks. But if I had to choose one probably whatever the 3rd one is.
  4. 1. Did you even watch? Both of those issues were permanently fixed by him in the video........The crashing only occurs on older cards, and is fixed by changing 1 setting. TAA is fixed by using DLSS. And even then, with TAA it STILL doesn't look even remotely as bad as PS5's RE4. We know this from the video in the Original Post. We know the game looks FAR better on PC even without the DLSS mod. That's right, even with PC's TAA (fixable) the console version still looked FAR worse - as shown by DF themselves. 2. 4080 and 4090 are getting 90-120 frames at 4k with DLSS Quality, which al
  5. It has problems on PC. It just has far more problems on console. Overall they literally call it a "great" version and say it's "better than consoles" in the DF videos. It looks substantially better and runs at double to triple the framerate and there isn't even a debate to be had here for RE4. This game honestly reminds me of the old days where almost all PC multiplats actually had substantial differences in superiority rather than just decent ones, kudos to Capcom. Now TLOU you're 100% right. If a hermit says they have no problems with that Sony mess, they are lying.
  6. I wasn't relying on it, I was calling out his hypocrisy by showing him how his own standards don't hold up with his own post. Basically self-ownage. I explicitly mention this. He used Steam reviews for TLOU, but mentioned RE4 in the same post which has stellar Steam Reviews. This is hypocrisy. I don't care about steam reviews, this was a great case of self ownage. I'm not dismissing Digital Foundry. I agree it has issues (mostly just 1), but the console version has even more issues. Those PC issues don't make it worse than the console version and
  7. Watched that this morning....he says the PC version can be the best version (given your hardware). He's nit picking a few issues, and in no way suggests or even HINTS that the console version is better. Pretty sure anyone with half a brain knows this. This in no way counters RE4 being currently far and away best on PC......as shown in the Digital Foundry video in the OP which calls it a "great version"? Not only does it look much better, but you're getting far higher FPS too. It's also very smooth and has no shader stutter. RE4 Remake isn't the game you're looking for when you wan
  8. Demo ran over 100 fps for me on mostly ultra, and was pretty awesome in general. I wasn't going to get it at first due to $70 for a fuckin ramake, but it's on sale for $51 so I might have to.
  9. Not reading the words of someone who voluntarily conceded. My next reply to you on this specific topic will only be after you post a list. Getting the last post in won't save you anymore. You and I both know the reason you aren't posting a list of games this gen that run better on PS5 than PC is because the list will be very small. Bye, Jerry.
  10. That post was almost in a list format, and I almost thought you posted the list. Too bad. You continued concession is noted. No list = you lost. (C'mon. Me and you both know why you won't post it. Lets be real here.)
  11. Didn't read, no list was posted meaning you concede. You understand that posting a list of a literal handful of games would prove my point. Me and you both know this is why you won't post it. Oh and, lol RE4 on PS5.
  12. Citation? Do you have a list or are you conceding? You know the ball is in you court right? You have to provide. You failing to prove your statements is where we left off. You won't post a list of games that are worse on PC than PS5. It's as if you know it's going to be a VERY small %. Oh and, lol RE4 on PS5.
  13. Some UE games stutter. I listed a few that objectively don't. List the ones that still do in 2023. We both know what's going to happen when you put up the small list and I compare it to the number of all multiplats this gen. Oh and, lol RE4 on PS5.
  14. Nothing like spending thousands on a 120hz VRR display to play most games at 30-60 fps, on top of many with shitty VRR lol. @jehurey is a cuck. This twisted bastard was bragging about 40 fps on his weak ass PS5 earlier.
  15. Yeah it's clearly a problem for older cards, but it's still in a small percent of games objectively speaking. And not bad enough for me to even play those handful of games at 1/2 to 1/3rd the fps and lower settings. And you can brute force, mod, tweak through most of of those handful of games to be mostly fine, which I do on my rig (4080). There are a few changes coming to UE5 which will help.
  16. The video doesn't refute my claim...You're a red-herring spamming shit-poster. Just because he doesn't like the menu settings doesn't mean the console version is better.....nor does he even say that. No. I said ~90% of games are better on PC than consoles, or best on PC. I never said 90% of PC ports run perfect...... What's with the constant straw-men every time you "debate" with anyone at this site. You even failed to make a list of games that are worse on PC than PS5 to prove it's lower than 90%. Because we both know it's just a handful of games
  17. That's mostly from his M.O. of losing debates and trying to get the last post in with red-herring and straw-man spam. All in an attempt to tire the opposition out of posting in the thread, even though he lost the "debate" hours or days ago. I believe people around these parts call it the "Jerry go Round".
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