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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Far right wokeness taking retardism to new heights: Wyoming lawmakers propose ban on electric vehicle sales | The Hill What. The. Fuck.
  2. Woke nonsense, people are now against museums lol: Candace Owens: "I'm very anti-museum" | Media Matters for America
  3. Romanian court extends Andrew Tate’s detention on alleged human trafficking (nbcnews.com)
  4. The woke far right has a monopoly on this. Seems like Republicans want to bang and marry kids the most, and have a woke viewpoint on that. "Love is love". Child marriage is rare in U.S. but varies by state | Pew Research Center Romanian court extends Andrew Tate’s detention on alleged human trafficking (nbcnews.com) Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Pt. 27 (dailykos.com) Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia From Hastert to Gaetz: Let's talk about Republicans and sex crimes. (slate.com) Ray Holmberg Resign
  5. DeSantis being woke and giving into cancel culture: Ron DeSantis bans African American studies class from Florida high schools | Ron DeSantis | The Guardian I understand some history and facts makes you uncomfortable, but cancelling facts that trigger you is woke. Both are annoying, but the far right woke mob is truly worse as they employ governments to do their bidding far more often than the far left. Also, Daily Wire woke film absolutely bombs: Conservatives Are Turning Against Gina Carano 'Woke' Movie (uproxx.com)
  6. Looks like the far right cultists freaked out over nothing, as usual. Bitchter was killed.
  7. Is there a link to the journal this was published in?
  8. Not to get too factual and "sciency" , but shitty TV shows and tweets are hardly going to cause a fall in society. I'd probably use QOL and HDI as a superior measure of this. As we're in the politics section I'll have to note the more conservative a county, state, or country the more it's QOL/HDI suffers.
  9. Going by the study I linked, it's right wing policies to be more likely to do this. Do you have a source for your claim wokeness will cause this? I didn't just link the Demographics. I have never been fat.
  10. Uhhh... 1. This was literally posted in the "Politics" section. It goes without saying I might post some political data on the topic of Obesity when someone makes a thread about it in............the POLITICS section. 🤦‍♀️ 2. You posted this: Government policies can effect obesity rates in areas, and certain political demographics can be more obese.
  11. Well you're talking about a bunch of annoying people in twitter vs actual data + laws. Like I said in that harry potter thread, one thing is significantly more impactful and important. I would indeed like to see a more recent study.
  12. But mostly the right. The association between county political inclination and obesity: Results from the 2012 presidential election in the United States - PMC (nih.gov) Our results suggest that county-level obesity risk may be positively associated with established, county-level, voter preferences for Republican candidates who are more likely to emphasize a personal responsibility approach to reducing obesity risk than their Democrat counterparts, and who may downplay the role that government policies could play, despite the scientific consensus that a multi-sectoral ap
  13. While it's indeed stupid, it's not NEARLY as bad as being morally outraged about.......a history book for mentioning the KKK. Banned by a Kansas town because it brought up their embarassing history. 🤣😂 Or being morally outraged about an Anne Frank book and banning it. Or being morally outraged about a math book for saying climate change or vaccines were real and banning them. Or being morally outraged about any book that uses SEL and banning dozens of them, even though it is proven to work by EVERY SINGLE reviewed study on it. Or being morally ou
  14. So you have no data at all....period? To show how this might be slightly wrong? How about their methodology?' I did find these recent studies, which helps this argument even more: Gas Stoves Leak Methane Even When Turned Off, Study Finds - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Gas stove cooking routinely generates unsafe levels of indoor air pollution - Vox Of course, IMO, a direct and sudden ban is the wrong way to go. Maybe a long term phasing out. That being said the more I read into this the more the far right looks stupid for crying like little bitches
  15. What kind of low IQ nonsense is this. You're acting as stupid as the far left. You can be like me and agree banning gas stoves is stupid without sounding like some culty incel whose upset he was wrong about 4 other topics. Less Q-anon and more.......being normal?
  16. You could have made a rational take on this that people could agree with but you went full far right retard meme mode. What does you being wrong on masks, vaccines, Russia, and Ukraine have to do with any of this? Do you think this study is wrong? I agree we shouldn't ban gas stoves and people are being too reactionary, but the right is also going nuts over those reactions. I like this take on it: The Gas-Stove Debate and America's Silly Politics - The Atlantic
  17. Do you have counter citation? IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Population Attributable Fraction of Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma in the United States (mdpi.com)
  18. It's not, also Trump had far more files and it was intentional. This is a very different situation. Both should be investigated. Classified Documents Found at Former Biden Office, Drawing Comparisons to Trump - FactCheck.org
  19. Incorrect. Obstruction. Justice Dept. alleges "obstructive conduct" occurred at Mar-a-Lago after request for classified documents - CBS News
  20. Defending alleged sex traffickers and rapists, to own the libs! The prosecutors of Andrew Tate leaked to the Romanian press a number of transcripts of wiretapped conversations held among the victims, the Tates and the 2 women arrested. The transcripts contain admissions of criminality, manipulation, violent threats and more corroborating victim testimony : Destiny (reddit.com) (Yeah, shitty reddit, but they compiled direct links the leaked data.) Pretty damning evidence.
  21. That's because they wouldn't give the files back and would not cooperate with officials. Which is why they were raided by the FBI. If this didn't happen, it might not have been a big deal. The FBI/DOJ should investigate both situations thoroughly, but both situations are quite different. I believe Merrick Garland is already considering passing this off to a special counsel as well, Garland Considering Special Counsel in Biden Documents Probe (2) (bloomberglaw.com)
  22. Your own source answered your question though. Did you not read the entire site? we still see that unvaccinated people are at much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than people the same age who have stayed up-to-date on boosters.
  23. I don't only read and listen to them. There are a few others as well. And as I said, also medical journals, universities, and medical orgs. It sure beats rando twitter/youtubes though.
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