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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Every major publication makes errors and has retractions. Even the best. Places like NBC, CBS, Rueters, ABC, NPR, NYT, TG, Vox, and AP. They are still more reliable than random tweets and youtubes. I left CNN, MSNBC, and FOX out of that list for a reason. Also I was thinking more in the lines of Medical Journals and Orgs for science topics.
  2. Breh...In what fucking planet is retweeting and agreeing with THIS not far right: Assassinating Ashley Babbit? Fuck off lmao. I didn't say this? The left should stop mostly being the ones normalizing it, the right stop mostly being the ones who cause and have it.
  3. Fat people are kind of' disgusting tbh. Although I'm not sure why a far right poster would hate on fat people in the "Politics" section considering the facts on obesity: Viewing the US presidential electoral map through the lens of public health | medRxiv A county’s poor health status was a strong predictor of its vote for Donald Trump; many examples in Kentucky – Kentucky Health News (uky.edu) The association between county political inclination and obesity: Results from the 2012 presidential election in the United States - PMC (nih.gov)
  4. You run to blogs and tweets because you don't have the facts to support your claims.
  5. Any well rated publication? This can't be hard if it's real. Not a youtube or tweet?
  6. Hmm.. I need to see what's causing this odd phenomena. This is what I've been able to look up: One of the leading theories, however, is that highly educated U.S. residents tend to be more willing to be vaccinated than those with less education. A Daily News analysis of vaccination data and IQ averages in each state reveals that five of the 10 states with the lowest IQs are also among the 10 states with the lowest rates of fully vaccinated adults. And half of the 10 smartest states rank among the 10 most vaccinated ones. Mississippi ranks dead l
  7. This sentence is pure retardation. I'm in agreement with an entire field of science and pretty much every major medical organization. You're like a climate denier or flat earther on this topic.
  8. Did you know this is unlikely when there are a mass amount of them? Did you know linking a tweet or Joe Rogan isn't a counter to them?
  9. Have you seen your posts in any Covid thread? You know, when you got beaten into submission because everyone can show you're wrong by merely linking large amounts of peer reviewed studies? You're using poor sources. It's not our fault. Blame yourself for being far right and not knowing how to debate? You literally used a tweet to defend January 6th a few days ago, showing that there was no violence. Did you know how stupid you looked after I posted video of violence and you never responded because you knew you had gotten raped? Tweets, you
  10. No one is wondering this. We know why. A low IQ. You can keep posting tweets, blogs, and youtubes (lol). But the peer reviewed studies on the vaccine have raped you for 3 years now.
  11. Speaking of actual propaganda (which doesn't involve saying vaccines, history, SEL, and climate change are real) : Lmao. Even if they were fighting liberal propaganda (in most cases they aren't, they're just banning facts they dislike), they're just turning around and doing the same shit.
  12. Andrew Tate Lost Appeal for His Release, Will Remain in Jail (insider.com)
  13. I noticed the source you've been using in this thread, by print screening their graphs instead of citing the link, directly saying the vaccine and keeping up with booster greatly reduces the chance of death. That's an L.
  14. we still see that unvaccinated people are at much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than people the same age who have stayed up-to-date on boosters. This is your own source now.
  15. Because 80% of people in US are vaccinated. This is simple math. The vaccine is still very effective and has saved over 20M lives in just 1 of the researched years. This is from your own source, That’s why, when CDC adjusts for some of these factors (age and population size), we still see that unvaccinated people are at much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than people the same age who have stayed up-to-date on boosters. Older people are at greater risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19 than younger people, but vaccines and boosters still lower
  16. You should be sure since there is no direct counter citation. The vaccine has saved 20M lives in 1 year going by what we know. 5 million of those saved lives was due to reduction of transference and Hospital bloat. Areas with lower vaccination rates see higher death rates. It works and works well. And yes the variants have dented this, but it's still recommended by most studies and groups.
  17. Lmao getting upset at resetERA, a private forum, for banning mention of Harry Potter...............but then going full Cancel Culture by doing a 180* and defending State and Local governments when they ban 1000s of books because of "Jaaaysus", telling private companies they can't enforce certain TOS rules, banning abortion INFORMATION website access, telling private companies what they can or can't train in or even merely advocate, telling teens they can't watch porn, and telling Universities they can't teach certain elective courses. You're ultra tribal and have zero solid stance on this topi
  18. Nice kinda hyped for TLOU now due to reviews. Pedro Pascal continues to be in even more great shows lol.
  19. Of those prevented deaths, they estimated that 15.5 million (78.2%) were due to direct vaccine effects. The remainder were due to indirect vaccine affects through reduced disease transmission and lower burden on healthcare systems. Giving the shot to those under 65 was important to the bolded/underlined, which saved millions on it's own (not including direct saved deaths to those under 65 which I'm still trying to look for.) This is just 1 year by the way. I mean this topic will always be an L for the far right. And a big one at that. (P.S. Bhy
  20. COVID has killed 6.71M total globally, Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths by country worldwide 2023 | Statista 15 million associated(combining direct and indirect), WHO report finds nearly 15 million deaths associated with COVID-19 worldwide | PBS NewsHour For both of these figures, areas with lower vaccination rates have higher death rights. The vaccine is estimated to have saved 20 Million lives in ONE year, COVID-19 vaccines saved an estimated 20 million lives in 1 year | CIDRAP (umn.edu) Do you have a source for your baby crib cl
  21. It's literally a fake news site. Post quotes from the actual study. Chances are it never recommends not taking the vaccine. Most studies put the benefits exponentially over the risks. A vast majority of studies and health orgs disagree.
  22. Retarded anti-vaxxer thread is retarded. If I showed these low IQ posts to the past selves of these SAME posters before Covid they'd be flaming the living fuck out of themselves. Thing is Bhyter is trolling/satire. The people unironically repeating his trash are actually low IQ IRL. That's an extreme right pseudoscience source. The Epoch Times - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) I would need a full link to the study they are referencing to see if the study actually says to not get vaccinated or recommends ag
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