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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Certainly stupid and annoying. But while the far left can do this kind of annoyong nonsense, the other side will do and does do far worse. At least it's not governments doing it. Far right State/local governments have been going straight up full retard with either proposed or passed bans or restrictions on all kinds of shit. What are we at, over 2,000 book bans now over the last 2 years by officials? Isn't a far Red psycho state trying to ban porn? FL Government trying to dictate what Universities teach? Trying to dictate what private companies can have meetings on? Governments pu
  2. Yes, there has been outrage on these bans from private forums by the incels here.
  3. I didn't say equal. I said two sides of the same coin. It's far right loons crying like little bitches over this. Like TB in the locked thread. But like you said, who cares? Not worth getting multiple threads locked over. It's not like this is a government entity doing it, like all of those book bans. It's a private forum. TB knows the politics rule yet keeps breaking it.
  4. Yeah and you avoided that part intentionally because you know TB's in the wrong here since his last thread got locked due to the same thing and now he's bringing it up ITT. It's a nothing burger and stupid thing to obsess/cry over.
  5. You never heard of the thread that was banned a few days ago that's still on the front page here due to TB crying about this same thing?
  6. Any place I can find this topic being discussed. IE: Resetera forum bans Hogwarts Legacy threads, due to designer’s ‘bigoted views’ | VGC (videogameschronicle.com) Comments are so salty. ResetEra is stupid to do this, but it's a private forum. Whining about it like a little bitch and derailing every thread on this game even when the OP never mentioned that stupid forum is being upset and angry. GameDrunk had to delete the last thread due to TB's tears.
  7. In case you still haven't noticed, there are people actually outraged about ResetEra banning people. While stupid, they have the right to do this. Two sides of the same coin. Outrage culture battling outrage culture.
  8. The thread is about a video game and it's sales. Railroading it to whine like a little bitch about a handful of people another forum is degeneracy.
  9. And this is supposed to be the smartest far right cultist here. Sounds about right.
  10. Why are the far right psychos injecting their lunacy in every Harry Potter thread and getting them locked. TBH I hope this game is good need a good open world rpg.
  11. I said a majority of domestic terrorists are far right. Not that a majority of the far right are domestic terrorists. English matters.
  12. How does one thing happening mean the other didn't? You anti-vaxxer nutjobs are fucking weird as shit. The weird shit about the far right these days is they don't accept facts and reality. One of the main reasons they got raped in the mid-terms.
  13. Who are you trying to trick? Why are you a retard? Texan Guy Reffitt sentenced to 7 1/4 years in prison for Jan. 6 riot | The Texas Tribune Oath Keepers Leader Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy in Jan. 6 Case - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt | USAO-DC | Department of Justice
  14. It sounds like something someone from the center-left who has only cited published peer reviewed studies would say? Low IQ subhuman Anti-Vaxxer lunatics (who would have labeled themselves this before Covid) circle jerking. Imagine defending a fake tweet even after learning it was fake. But I'm glad you now know it's best not to listen to Bret and that this thread got raped. As for your deflection from the fact Bret occasionally fucks up, my stance on the vaccine is based off of a majority of peer reviewed studies on it, as well as a majority of medical
  15. We love all cops, except for the capitol police and the FBI. Makes sense from the side that is responsible for a significant majority of domestic terror.
  16. Speaking Bret Weinstein unintentionally making himself and others around him look completely retarded, like the OP of this thread: Joe Rogan Edits Podcast, Apologizes After Promoting Hoax Tweet (forbes.com) A recent episode of popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience saw Joe Rogan fall for a badly photoshopped hoax, as Rogan and his guest, former Evergreen professor Bret Weinstein, discussed a fake tweet about the coronavirus vaccine, citing it as an example of “ideological capture at its highest level.”
  17. I'm not far left and I don't care if I use the wrong word on this.
  18. Ahh...using a random youtube with 20k views to debunk a published study...... Exactly what I would expect from the far right freaks these days. It's a study on how monkey pox effects women and trans(nonbinary). As even stated in it's title, and body, and charts. Nowhere does it state it was only supposed to look at women. This is a straw-man. You're quite literally just reading it wrong and making a big deal due to this mis-read. Embarrassing really. 1. Show me what science (data point or methdology) this stu
  19. I found a youtube clip about her talking about some matrix shit. What the fuck? This is delusional and lunacy.
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