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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. You expect people who think multiple fields of science are fake to understand how licensing in certain fields work?
  2. I see all the conservatives actively posting in the nothing-burger threads and having to try their best to avoid literally the biggest news story (this House vote) in US right now which is quite literally historic and a first. And WILL be in history/social studies books. @Twinblade @Ramza @bhytre Your party/ideology is trash and it can't govern.
  3. Twinblade has to try to deflect with a straw-man (and gas-lighting) about masks in an attempt to bail out his fellow cuckservatives who are objectively wrong on the vaccine topic lol.
  4. Low IQ anti-vaxxers and climate denier circle jerking to defend nutty Jordan Peteron's objectively incorrect far right views on these two topics. "Bu bu you're the brain washed one". "Two entire fields of science are wrong because I watched a youtube video". Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates : Shots - Health News : NPR Dying to own the libs! 🤣🤣🤣😆😆😂😂
  5. Old enough to understand CDC data, polling, almost every single peer reviewed study and major medical org on this topic telling you that you're wrong. This WAS politicized, before this vaccine no one gave a fuck. This includes less vital vaccines for less deadly diseases. This is an L for Jordan as is his views on climate change. It's culty really. His views on these shows he's likely just grifting. Quick. I need a yes or no on this. Is climate change real and is it caused by humans.
  6. You mean pretty much everyone before this was politicized by cuckservatives? 😂🤣. Old polling and CDC data shows near universal support before this LOW IQ anti-science degeneracy by the 3rd world right. Fortunately for climate change, another thing Peterson the Retard is wrong on, the opposite happened.
  7. Goukosan isn't a judge. He can hold the opinion that the Incel King Tate is guilty. This should not make you so upset and defensive.
  8. You're picking a shitty hill to die on. Peterson is a fucking retard 😂🤣🤣
  9. He's a fucking climate denier and anti-vaxxer. I don't even have to do anything, he owns himself.
  10. No, I thought you were being a low IQ conservative by getting upset at non court verdicts (tweets). And I was right.
  11. Seems like you want a safe space from those words. Maybe this utter retard shouldn't be those things if he doesn't want those labels?
  12. Karl Rove: GOP infighting on Speaker an ‘utter, unmitigated disaster’ Karl Rove: GOP infighting on Speaker an ‘utter, unmitigated disaster’ | The Hill Love it
  13. Live updates: McCarthy's bid for House speaker enters second day after failed votes (nbcnews.com) The House resumed on Wednesday, conducting a fourth fifth and sixth round of voting for speaker. Each time, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California again came up short of 218 votes, the number he likely needs to secure the job. The House held three votes Tuesday that deadlocked as hard-liners in the Republican caucus refused to back McCarthy for speaker. McCarthy's Republican critics, led by Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Andy Biggs of Arizona, have vowed to continue to oppos
  14. ‘Loverboys’ | Human trafficking and people smuggling | Government.nl Crackdown on ‘Lover Boy’ Trafficking Scam in France and Romania (occrp.org) It's called the loverboy method. Also fans of bald and ugly Tate are fucking cultist incels.
  15. What court said this? Or are you making things up?
  16. I was on the fence about this guy until I found out about him being a climate denier and anti-vaxxer. That's when you know they are just psychos or far right grifters.
  17. Nice good to see OLED tech constantly improving. Now just if they can just squeeze out lower pixel density while maintaining higher brightness and good subpixel layouts. Which should happen before MicroLED is affordable.
  18. What's with all these far right idols being absolute scumbags.
  19. Harry Potter, Stalker 2, Starfield, and Diablo 44. Yeah I'm a sucker for open world RPG and aRPGs. Hope at least one of them is good.
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