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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Said it's an 8.9 for Gaming and HDR, and it got stellar reviews at HBU too. In fact let me look up every monitor review for this thing and fuck you up even more with the final score. Fuck off kid.
  2. In what fucking planet is a 8.9 a check mate. In what planet is a C2 42" not a great gaming monitor. Meanwhile, t his fucking kid is still using a 1200p 60 hz monitor.
  3. This is one of the most low IQ things I have heard. I want you to say this in the Monitor or OLED Gaming Reddits and I want you to see the -100 downvotes. That's not how any of this works. PC gamers ran to 42" and will run to 32" next year.
  4. This isn't a con....I have explained this to you. This is a pro. PC gamers are buying the 42" over the 48". And next year they will be buying the 32" over both. You got decimated. 8.9 gaming 8.9 HDR in Monitor mode.
  5. 1. That's just for Media Creation. You're using RTINGS wrong. You have to hover your mouse over each section.......jesus christ dude. 2. How in the living fuck is 8.1 bad. Here, let me hover over for you and fucking decimate you in the process (THESE ARE BOTH STILL IN THE MONITOR SECTION):
  6. 15 days and no. I'm not returning it, I have never seen better visuals in my entire life. Seriously game changing for both games and tv/movies. Might be my best purchase aside from my brand new Gesture.
  7. And that doesn't seem to matter much for RTINGS: 8.9 GAMING AS A MONITOR. 8.9 HDR AS A MONITOR. There is a reason Jerry is giving you one paragraph. They don't weight those nits too much against IT:
  8. So this is why he won't link the full review scores and keeps posting tiny images: 8.9 HDR. 8.9 Gaming. Get FUCKED.
  9. Huh? Both RTGINGS and HUB say to get the C2 over the PG42UQ and the HDR has been incredible. They even said the HDR is incredible, both reviews.
  10. I know this. 230 nits is too high for desktop use. I have it at 90-95%. I've used most of my monitors most of my life at around 190~ nits. Also that picture says 8.1. Since when is 8.1 a bad score at RTINGS?
  11. It's a 14 nits SDR Brightness difference going by HBU. You would need a tool to see this difference. Your same RTINGS: However, there are firmware issues with HDR and other problems that users are experiencing, so until ASUS (PG42UQ) fixes that, it's best to stay away from this monitor. P.S. I don't need very bright. I get eye strain at 100%. I have it at 95%. Matching every monitor in nits I have ever used in settings.
  12. Hardware Unboxed: "We can't recommend the PG42UQ over the LG C2 42". Same panel. Monitor label means next to nothing anymore for 42" and below. If I needed display port it would matter, but I don't. Get fucking stomped. By a very minor amount, 14 nits going by HBU. This isn't going to be a real visible difference. Oh and RTINGS: "However, there are firmware issues with HDR and other problems that users are experiencing, so until ASUS fixes that, it's best to stay away from this monitor."
  13. Man I thought this fucking retard maybe had a 42PGUQ or AW3423DW to be roasting my PC GAMING display. But what the fuck he's PC GAMING on some old ass 60hz 1080p!?
  14. The HUB (Hardware Unboxed) review of the PG42UQ vs LG C2 states a primary difference of +15nits and 18 hz in most content, and a 10% window difference in HDR. They share the same panel, it's near impossible to distinguish the difference. This becomes zero once you turn off ASBL on the C2. He says it's a toss up for PC use. HUB straight up say they can't justify the PG42UQ over the C2. You're grasping at straws.
  15. What the fuck? @jehurey can you post your pc gaming setup this can't be real. You're roasting my PC gaming setup for having the tied for first place PC gaming display, while you're using a 1080P for PC gaming? Fucking A. I refuse to believe he's THAT much of a joke.
  16. Trying to compare different tires to two displays using the same panel might be the dumbest thing I have seen you say. And you've said a lot of dumb things.
  17. I like how mad they got for me merely stating what FPS this actually runs on in 4K. Rofl.
  18. Same panel with nearly no discernable visual difference apart from the coating. Especially in PC/Game mode where processing is turned off I believe. I can't believe you're trying to own me for having the tied best PC display. What a dope, you lied in your first post.
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