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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. This is the most dog shit braindead new arguement I have seen in SW history. You can't judge any exclusive on any clear negative if this was a real thing. But it's not. GoW runs at 30 fps on it's best setting and 40 fps at it's second best settings. This is objectively terrible. GTFO.
  2. I had both and noticed no visual difference other than the C2 having more features and better coating. So I kept the C2. You're grasping at straws.
  3. This is retarded and I told you why. That goal post move. What chair do you use to PC game by the way?
  4. The same panel is used in monitors. The main difference is in the UI and options. You're grasping for straws.
  5. A few monitors and televisions blur the lines. Sure. The C2 42" has the same panel as the PG42UQ which is officially listed a monitor. This is a trash argument and you lied in your first post.
  6. The notion someone can't judge objectively poor performance because a video game is a timed exclusive is probably the worst arguement I have heard here (well....apart from the wool coat scale which we dropped a decade ago).
  7. Trash semantics argument. PG42UQ is officially listed as a monitor and uses the same panel. One can make the case it's actually worse, due to it's coating and lack of service menu and less settings.
  8. This is an odd new rule. Can't talk about a games piss poor performance because it's an exclusive (or timed exclusive in this case)? Dog shit.
  9. If they hook it up to their PC as a monitor and use it as monitor...sure. You're really upset about being caught lying about what I own lol. It must suck, you thougth I had a shit display but I have probably the tied for first place one (with the QDOLED) for PC gaming.
  10. I use it as a monitor, as do many others. It has the same panel as the monitor variant which makes 0 real world difference...... You're grasping for straws after lying about what I owned like when you thought my PC sucked 2 years ago even though I had a 3080.
  11. DVI? USB? I've never done any of that bullshit. The DP would make no difference to me, it's 18HZ. It's. The. Same. Panel.
  12. Forgetting the fact I'm getting a 7900xtx, there is no shot this runs 30 fps 4K on 3080.
  13. I literally didn't lie. This runs at 30 fps at 4k. And I didn't like the fan noise. What does this have to do with THIS thread and the fact you liked in THIS thread?
  14. LG 42" C2. There is a monitor variant, the PG42UQ. Same panel, less features. The difference are indistinguishable, and can be made even less by activating the service menu of the LG (Which I did). You don't know anything about displays.
  15. I said 32" monitor. It is. Yes. This is what PC gamers are awaiting for. A 32" 4K 144h OLED. High pixel density is better image quality and great for text and competitive gaming. Smaller screens are better for these things. Nearly all e-sports are played on smaller screens for a reason. All work is done on smaller screens for a reason. Why is this so hard to understand? Are you new to Display tech? Poll: holy grail poll version : Monitors (reddit.com)
  16. Damn all this fighting over me stating a fact in my first post. This will run at 30 fps on the best/max option on PS5. 40 fps on second one. After that who gives a fucking lol playing 3/4/5th place settings.
  17. NO FUCKING SHIT. It's for PC use too, not just gaming. Work, browsing, etc. You retard. All of that would be terrible on something over 42". Text would be ruined under 100 PPI. Which is why people are clamoring for 32" OLED 144hz for PC which is the promised land. 1. It's not my logic, it's reality and something every display community agrees with. What Is Pixel Density And Pixels Per Inch (PPI)? [Simple] (displayninja.com) 2. No, there is obviously a minimum and maximum preferred PPD size limit depending on the resolution. Hence why people suggest over 27" fo
  18. You started this by saying a smaller size was a negative when it's not due to PPI. You were wrong. I can sit far closer and it takes up more FOV. 32" 4k OLED is the goal. Hopefully in 2023 Q3.
  19. You have to sit farther because your screen is less detailed. I can sit closer because my screen has a higher pixel density. In the end, the TV likely takes up more of my FOV than yours does for you due to a much lower PPI. What Is Pixel Density And Pixels Per Inch (PPI)? [Simple] (displayninja.com) So bragging about TV size and shaming my 42" is silly. PC gamers are praying for a 32" Oled.
  20. I'm also stating facts. "It runs at 30 fps maxed out...." That's my first post. And it was a fact.
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