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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. You don't really take debate losses well, do you? I remember when you said I was wrong about abortion, then I proceeded to curb stomp you with like 10 peer reviewed studies until you said "sowwy :(". Of course not before telling me a lot of them were fake until there were too many to handle lmao.
  2. Gas Lighting. No one thinks this. You have lost every debate we have ever engaged in in this section and I can even link them.
  3. You didn't do shit. Who the fuck do you think you are. A 10 second glance..... A glance he says. Shut the fuck up with these opinions and give me a peer reviewed study that counters it. Shit tier debater forgot to even mention the GAO study. Calling 3 high quality sources "fake" with zero citation is the definition of an L. Accept the facts.
  4. Hey Bitch Ass @Saucer. What data do you have to show that all of these Very High Fact sources (one of which is peer reviewed) are false? Getting tired of your guesswork and opinions. At this point my citation is too grand to ignore with arm-chair theory from a rando. Post equal sourcing showing my 3 data sets are falsified or incorrect.
  5. Sit the fuck down. Three reputable sources verifying similar trends now while you keep spamming opinions. Take the L.
  6. Man this is going like every other debate I have with far right freaks. Me: Posts multiple studies Con: Nu uh! Me: Got counter citation? Con: Nu uh!
  7. Run away by spamming studies and data that you can't refute? They never taught you that if someone posts a peer reviewed study, you can't just pretend your way out of it?
  8. Going to ignore your nitpicking on a hypothetical. But .....wait........ you also fucking think the Southern Strategy was fake?
  9. You have to prove the people actually RIOTING where there due to politics and not random people just trying to loot or blow shit up. Time to get a new "degree". You're giving opinions and theories. Give peer reviewed studies like I did.
  10. So I'm just gonna' ignoring his keyboard warrior non expert opinions, until he finds equally as amazing citation and just keep citing facts that hurt his feelings. I can find too many sources agreeing with me, none on his side tough. A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing, and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world | PNAS The Military, Police, and the Rise of Terrorism in the United States | Center for Strategic and International Studies (csis.org)
  11. This started in 2020. As per your article. During Trump. Far rightist threads here flop so quick.
  12. [Citation Needed] Prove they were all political violence. (With citation). You know some random black guy throwing a brick doesn't HAVE to be political......right? Welcome to how reality works. So every time I have ever seen a far right idiot losing a debate due to highly reputable citation I always see them run to "appeal to authority". Post the massive 13 federal agency peer reviewed climate change studies? "Appeal to Authority". Post every study on vaccines? "Appeal to Authority" Post every encyclopedia entry and PHD study on
  13. It shows your bias. As does your post on The Atalantic, that was a head scratcher. You sure you studied politics?
  14. And your job is to show this is false with citation. You think it's false because "muh feels" and that trash degree. Prove all of the violence there was for politics and not just some random black dude wanting to loot. The Rioters don't always have to be rioting for a political reason, you get that right? You must understand how simple reality works, right? I've now posted 2 highly valid sources and you can't respond with anything. It's great winning so easily here.
  15. I don't see the issue with this.... And both are in the "Mixed Fact" section. Man you have to sue that Uni for that worthless degree.
  16. Your low IQ has failed you in this thread. You have to offer citation refuting both of my highly reputable sources. Not giving me your opinions. I don't come in here and start posting shit bin blogs. Get on my level of debating. This isn't Stormfront or Bertibart.
  17. Yes you corrected a false statement. You should stop making those all the time here.
  18. What... CNN - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) They are listed as "Mixed Fact" (which is bad) and Left Bias. CNN sucks dick. Lmao this liar caught lying. "Ayo I took a course in Social Studies when I was at Rutgers, I can now say the southern strategy is fake without citation!". Rofl. What are you talking about. My people use facts and data. Only "Very High" fact and/or Peer Reviewed Sources. Don't be an anti-intellectual.
  19. Meh, idiot eco "terrorists". Clowns. At least it's not actual terrorism, like from the right. That would be scary.
  20. So you have no source to refute my "Very High Fact" and "Least Biased" one? Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here. This is a direct and undebatable L. Here's another one just to shut you the fuck up for good measuer, A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing, and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world | PNAS Now quick. Tell me why you "think" a peer reviewed source is wrong because some county college politics course instead of being capable of debunking said peer reviewed study with a valid source.
  21. Reddit? Category errors? Poor validity? Sit the fuck down kid: Center for Strategic and International Studies - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) A subjective analysis from you means fucking nothing. Cite a counter study from an equally reputable source. Get fucking rekt with this shitty blog/opinion post you just wrote in response to a study by a "Very High Fact" and "Least Biased" org. Cite the counter source showing their specifics numerics or methodology are wrong you god damn clown. It's bad enough when you try this shit in clim
  22. Why are you putting up a Tucker Carlson youtube video acting like it refutes police reports and local factual reporting.
  23. No, you only regret it after you found out the right has exponentially more political violence. Including DePepe, who we now know is far right and did it due to far right conspiracy theories.
  24. That sucks. Witcher was actually okay and well received. Meanwhile Cavil's DCUE movies were critical disasters and absolute horse shit. Unwatchable. His next Superman movie will probably be a clusterfuck again, since DCEU simply never learns. He should stick with something that's actually working out for him.
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