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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. I hope you're right, Denuvo has caused issues in the past with stability and performance. I think this will do more harm than good for Nintendo players. And I doubt PC emulation is costing them that many Switch sales.
  2. Damn I loved those easy AAA/AAs. The better version of WiiU and Switch games is great. Oh well, not that PC needed them to win.
  3. So you no longer think Spider-Man sold 66K on Steam? You lied about that, do you revise the lie?
  4. You're literally making something up in this one. You lie so much.
  5. Link it so I can show for a fact me and Goku never debated Gen8 totals, not that they are even debatable.
  6. hmm interesting i was about to buy a controller for PC maybe ill wait for this
  7. Shut the fuck up Liehurey, literally making up fictional events. 🤣
  8. I wasn't lying. I said the gen, he cherry picked two years entirely depending on WiiU backlog rescores. Neither WiiU nor Switch even came close to PC for the gen. You're deciding not to use your 3090 on the machine that has the most games, of any budget type. That's a you problem.
  9. Is he a troll that's also a far right lunatic, or trolling by pretending to be far right lunatic? Hard to tell these days tbh.
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