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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. I mean isn't Trump winning for your guys polls? That's worse than Buttboy lol.
  2. Speaking of an ideology that killed exponentially more people than "Muh Antifa", Unvaccinated Adults are Now More Than Three Times as Likely to Lean Republican than Democratic | KFF Trump Counties Now Have Over 3 Times More COVID Deaths Than Biden Counties: Report (businessinsider.com) (P.S. You're not going to win this escalation battle.)
  3. Now you're just trying to get the last post in as if it changes this from not being countered yet, Disprove or counter the above facts and experts. These directly agree with me. Your sources should be preferably peer reviewed, if not peer reviewed preferably ground breaking to the point where dozens of peer reviewed use it. Like mine. The L is yours currently, and it's not even close.
  4. They can be extremely political in their personal life, as long as they don't bring it to the NBEC. I have seen no analysis of the NBEC of being biased. MBFC has them as dead center.
  5. Not sure. So you're not even going to try to find counter citation for even just ONE of my links? I guess it's settled then. Abortion bans/restrictions objectively bad.
  6. Biden's NBEC director, Brian Deese, is not a as good of a source as the NBEC. You know this. If you really want a debate on Brian Deese vs NBEC credentials.....lets do that. You know I'd love to. It’s not officially a recession until this Cambridge-based group says so, and making that call is a little like ‘Fight Club’ - The Boston Globe This is too easy.
  7. According to studies I have linked, abortion restrictions and bans don't or barely work. They primarily just result in more negative health outcomes for women. Abortion rates still remain high, they seek abortion elsewhere which typically results in other problems. Areas with restrictions see a rise in maternal mortality. This includes US research, and global. If you bothered to read that bullet point of rape I gave you, you would understand how badly you lost this debate. All research done on this indicates abortion bans/restrictions are a factual scientific and medical negativ
  8. And here I was. Expecting Saucer to provide peer reviewed or equally ground-breaking studies to counter all of mine. All of which directly agree with me. I was expecting too much from a conservative I suppose. Oh well, I hope you like this L you were just given.
  9. You seem upset that I fucked you in so many threads by asking for citation after you said stupid and/or wrong shit. Hint: When you see me logged in don't say stupid and dumb shit.
  10. What do you mean. The claim in the OP is proven by EPI. You counter was: Prove this. Show his citation was wrong with your own.
  11. I said global recession. Clearly in that quote. You said I said "there's a global recession". I literally just said global recession. These kind of semantic straw-men aren't going to work. The IMF has your number, and you lost.
  12. This is not a real counter-citation. You are embarrassing yourself. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) I require an equally credible source saying the opposite.
  13. The NBER is a superior source than Biden's NEC director. He flip flops too much, and clearly lacks objectivity. The economy may look like it's in recession, but we still don't know for sure (cnbc.com) The NBER officially declares a recession, which they have not done. Is your only source to counter them Brian Deese? Big oof.
  14. Meanwhile there's the other side, (And these are real/recent): I wonder which is worse. 🤣
  15. The NBER is a better source than a political novice saying "no it can't be true!" in a video game forum.
  16. I didn't think you were going to provide counter citation to EPI (Ike's central source). This was an easy win. Next!
  17. You're trying to debate with the wrong person, you're going to get absolutely fucked when going against me on an objective scientific debate. I remember ass blasting a couple of your cronies on climate and covid a while back here. Here are the sources for the specific claim I made, Studies showing abortion restrictions or bans primarily have negative health results: Abortion Worldwide 2017: Uneven Progress and Unequal Access (guttmacher.org) Study shows an abortion ban may lead to a 21% increase in pregnancy-related deaths | Colorado Arts and Scien
  18. Strawman, and I knew you'd run to it after the IMF had your number. I never said there is a global recession, or that we are in one. You won't quote me on saying those words. I just said global recession. I didn't think I would have to put "upcomming" or "looming", but I also didn't think anyone would run to such a desperate gotchya' on semantics. But here you are. 1. There is neither a global or US recession at the time being. 2. USA's recession occurring first would no longer exclude it from being a part of a future global recession trend. Not all countries offi
  19. These opinions are great and all, but the NBER disagrees with you, Officially, we aren't in a recession yet. Unless you have a superior source of citation than NBER. Which you did not provide.
  20. I'm just fact checking the title of this thread and your post, it's objectively false at time of creation going by the NBER. Just like global recession, both are looming and likely.
  21. Not just Democrats. Recession Arbiters Reject Idea That 2 GDP Drops Spell a US Downturn - Bloomberg National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) But it is likely soon, as it is likely globally.
  22. He's deflecting. OP used poor citation, of which got dunked on. Saucer comes in and goes completely off-topic about an opinion he has on "creepyness" in a failed attempt to save the OP who is the same political tribe as him. Of course he won't win that arms race all things considered: Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Pt. 26 (dailykos.com);
  23. An objectively poor stance and a "want" given most studies on abortion, and countless medical experts. Then again this isn't exactly a party that cares about science and medicine, we have seen this for Covid and Climate.
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