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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low - Poynter Damn looks like Joe took your list and did one better!
  2. Increase your IQ. Please attempt to follow the very simple conversation I was having with Bitchtyr. After getting upset at the very on-topic RNC image, he threw in a few softball red-herrings and sparked the debate of which political ideology is more of a cult. He used images from years ago, so naturally I can and did use an event from years ago to nuke his entire shit post. I'd say hundreds of thousands of people directly dying due to scientific illiteracy from their horrid political ideology is a bigger fucking cult. I can't find a more pressing and serious example of this in Ame
  3. PC has truly failed today. I am now a console gamer.
  4. 1. Oh no, typical protests? Were they all dressed as Biden, with a fake cane and uttering fake slurred speech? Nothing you posted is remotely on the level of cult like nonsense that I posted lmao. They are straight up wearing fake bandages on their ears to represent Trump like he's Jesus or some shit..... This goes beyond the pale. Although not as bad as the following, 2. The mask equivalence is even more retarded. What's more cult like, wearing a mask as a precaution or not taking the vaccine because of your deranged politics? You had hundreds of thousands of people die to "own
  5. Democrats are retards for ever letting it get this far, probably too late either way. Should have always ran a better candidate. They have better policy but are far worse at politics, as fucking usual. Bye Done.
  6. Get one of the new WOLED or QDOLEDs. 4K or 1440p depending on what framerate you feel comfortable with given your hardware. Possibly 3440x1440p OLED if you prefer ultrawide.
  7. Political violence and terror by race? I'm sure that would not change the data I cited. You have to actually refute the data I cited by showing other sources with differing numbers. Not ask me questions.
  8. "I pwomise it's a not a cult 😢"
  9. Oh. Citing studies and charts. I keep forgetting the weird right wing cult thinks using those are "far left" lol.
  10. What lie, the article title was purely factual. Studies have proven it.
  11. What have I stated that is far left lmao. I never said you did, learn to read. Political brain rot has created this weird fucking far right who decline reality so bad they are willing to die for it.
  12. Yeah being a conservative after their teens sure helped these people, When your ideology becomes an underlying symptom I don't think this country has ever seen a political ideology kill off so many Americans so quickly before. Without reason. Just brainwashing. It's a cult.
  13. I'm not far left. I always hated it lol. What even is this. You guys are literally defending it 2 pages ago. So you always loved it?
  14. FACT FOCUS: Heritage Foundation leader wrong to say most political violence is committed by the left - ABC News (go.com) In recent years, violence by right-wing groups has far outpaced violence by left-wing groups, said LaFree, the founding director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, which studies extremism and political violence. Project 2025 Psychopaths lying about the same bullshit as the people ITT, what's new?
  15. Yeah.... we should have stopped the left......wait what?
  16. The right made an entire book and media industry on crying about being victims about cancel culture. But now they are the main culprits of it
  17. Shut the fuck up, asshole liar Right-wing influencers and media double down on anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in the wake of the Colorado shooting (nbcnews.com) The MAGA Internet Calls for War - The Atlantic GOP Figures Mock Paul Pelosi Attack With Conspiracy Theories | TIME The right started and amplified this all. All of a sudden a conservative Republican shoots at Trump and the left has to tamp down their already meek comebacks? Get the fuck outta' here with that 😆.
  18. Your posts read like a Breitbart commentor, sit the fuck down. You literally just joked about him dying. Cancel culture is now great and needed, after causing bomb threats, janaury 6th, 90% of domestic terrorism, laughing about paul pelosi, laughing about Pulse, etc. Holy fuck this cult is brain dead. All of a sudden we have to tone stuff down and doxx people after a conservative Republican gun nut shoots Trump. Low IQ party.
  19. The thing that killed millions of people, and your side denied resulting in even more deaths? Also it was just an example, how about January 6th and Paul Pelosi? One of the people praising these firings was the cause of a bomb threat at a school... Yup there it is. Exactly the kind of fucking retarded hypocritical lunacy I was talking about from the extremist right who hated cancel culture and violence until they starting jerking off to it. Right on queue. Fuck, Destiny might just be right.
  20. Regular joe schmoes who made fun of Trump's shooting on social media are getting doxxed, stalked, and fired by conservatives. Specific conservatives who directly have said WAY worse. Something tells me this won't happen to the same tards making fun of Joe's Covid. (19) . on X: "Y’all doxxed her and went to her work place? Are y’all mental?" / X (twitter.com) (19) Libs of TikTok on X: "UPDATE: Tony has resigned" / X "Bu bu muh cancel culture." Gloating about getting someone fired, ruining their lives, and his family threatened. All while th
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