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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. SE games are best on PC. Past and Present. PC won last gen also, btw.
  2. But tou keep lying about why I will play this and I'll keep correcting you. My backlog is huge, PC won at GS and MC. It has nothing to do with a lack of games, I assure you.
  3. Huh? PC is first place. Anyway 240>120. SE backlog best on PC.
  4. It's not that far, less than a year. I will put up a permanent IP ban bet that the Sony version will see patches from now until then. Bug fixes that will go into the PC/XB versions.
  5. But you said Xenoblade Chronicles X was still on Wii U only, but I corrected you to say it's also on PC and a lot better on it.
  6. No? PC won last gen. This is like a Rich CEO merely milking his minimum wage employee's for an 1 extra prostitute.
  7. PC can do 240hz and fps in these games easily. Thats' 2x more. That's objectively "best on PC". You lied and were wrong. Stop lying all the time JErry.
  8. No? PC won last gen. This is like a Rich CEO merely milking his minimum wage employee's for an 1 extra prostitute.
  9. Looks like stupid and gay, like your mom.
  10. You said Xenoblade Chronicles X. PC has that. Runs better than Wii U too.
  11. It's not that we have to. It's more like "why the hell not"? PC's backlog and library won big time last gen btw.
  12. Xenoblade Chronicles X? Yeah it's still on PC.
  13. I'll play the better version on PC. 30 fps sucks ass as does 1080p and below. This is a DF thread btw......
  14. Switch did indeed get another banger, and so did PC outside of the arbitrary metagame (which PC usually wins). Because in real life, emulation exists. No matter how much you cry about it.
  15. What are you talking about. You said, These dreams are futile. SE back catalog is best on PC as is it's future catalog.
  16. 360p/30fps with dips. 2022 🤣 And don't worry. I never emulate games I don't buy first.
  17. Once again SE past and future are best on PC. You dreamed it could be PS Plus exclusive (lmao). Bitch ass has to pray games get taken away from other systems that win every gen.
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