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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Stay on topic, this is not about PC having over 100 more high scoring games at both GS and MC last gen. (NOT INCLUDING EMULATION). This is about 360p/30fps with dips...
  2. I said past and future. All of SE is best on PC baby. Keep dreaming.
  3. Agreed we shouldn't talk about a fictional even that you will never cite. 360/30fps with dips is a joke as per the youtube video in the OP. I will play this on PC in a few weeks or months.
  4. Yeah I thought it was only on Sony platforms in the past. Doesn't really change my main point, PC wins again!
  5. Link it. Anyway I'll be playing the better version of this in a few weeks my backlog is way too big atm.
  6. PC won last gen and is winning this gen lol. Anyway I'll be playing the better version of this in a few weeks my backlog is way too big atm.
  7. SE's back catalog and all future games are 99% best on PC. Stop with these psychopathic dreams.
  8. Best on PC. Seen people running it at 4K emulated
  9. Incredible game. Another 9.0 win for MS and PC.
  10. Holy shit that's awesome. PC is unstoppable.
  11. Yawn. Yeah getting the most AAA's from multiple systems that don't give it to each other really sucks. You would have a point if PC wasn't ahead at GS and MC. But here's the thing, Twinfuck, it's far ahead. And this is just another +1 for it's current gen library count. Go pound sand, this is nothing but a flat positive. PC wins you lose. Now go beta test Gay of War: Ragnacuck or Lesbian of Us 2, or whatever movie game is comming to PS5 so I can play the significantly better version of it in a few years once I am done with my 40+ lead backlog. To try and make this some
  12. BEST ON PC. PC wins again thanks for beta testing cuckold Cows.
  13. Stop watching this shit man. It's bullshit and it's unhealthy.
  14. Games reviewers are biased towards movie games, because they want their fake career to be taken more seriously. That being said I will play this in 2-3 years much better version. 200fps at 4k on ultra.
  15. Sony And Microsoft Support God Of War Staff Following Harassment (ggrecon.com) Cows truly are the worst.
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