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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. The way Homelander says muslim . The whole speech after that was awesome and scary.
  2. Only Cows get mad at studios making more money from opening platforms. Cultists.
  3. Supreme Court blocks Texas social media law from taking effect : NPR As I expected.
  4. This guy is an anti-vaxxer, killing any use of ever linking anything from him.
  5. Nice. Fuck the low IQ gun cultists.
  6. Phony loses more "exclusives". These will be best on PC like 99% of games on Piss 5. P.S. Also rumors of Returnal cumming to PC.
  7. An appeals court finds Florida's social media law unconstitutional : NPR Anyone here who knows anything about how the constitution or law works knows these snowflake FL and TX bills will go nowhere. Just like how the Disney copyright lunacy will go nowhere. This is cancel culture from the right, but they aren't even trying sound legal methods to do it.
  8. Yeah there is no doubt this needs to be figured out. Perhaps have trans division of sports. But it still reeks of purse clutching. Still....kind of nothing burger compared to hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths due to not vaxxing, a vast majority of domestic terror, and god knows what the cost of being decades behind on climate change will end up being.
  9. The GAO, FBI, DHS, etc. are better sources than you though. Most domestic terror is right wing. Like exponentially more than left wing. So there's no such thing as Islamic Terror? "They were all just mental dude!" Nah, we can and still do label terrorists by their motives. Sure they probably have a few screws loose too, but the official labels as given by government agencies and PHD terror experts still apply. The vaccine prevents deaths and disease by 90%+. Almost every death after the vaccine became easy obtainable was from the unvaccinated.
  10. So lets shut all of those agencies and all of their boards down? lol? We still need, and will still have, people looking into Chinese and Russian state actors spreading disinfo.
  11. I didn't say Republicans are responsible for that. I said it stemmed from right wing ideology. Most domestic terror does, and it's listed as such by the GAO and FBI as right wing terror. Literally. It stays on the cuckservative shit list. Sorry. Wtf? We have had hundreds of thousands of deaths after readily available vaccines. AFTER. Anti-Vaxxing has killed so many fucking people and it's now primarily a right wing thing. Conservative counties saw a 3x death rate. Own it. Anti-vaxxing stays on the list. Deal with it. Yeah.
  12. Just 50x more of these and left wing terror might be half as bad as right wing terror this last decade or few years.
  13. Cucker is such a fucker, PolitiFact | Tucker Carlson feigned ignorance over ‘great replacement theory,’ despite talking about it often
  14. Especially not right wing terror, which makes up almost all domestic terror in recent history. Including this White Supremacists attack.
  15. Being "wrong" about sex and gender (which is usually just someone getting semantics wrong; as the two ARE scientifically different) on twitter isn't nearly as dangerous about being wrong on Covid and Climate. Nor as widespread. This is a fact, and can be proven with calculated damages and/or deaths. Just in case you're wondering why your side is seen as a death cult.
  16. That whole list is pretty tame compared to the right wing "Great Replacement" (shooters), 2020 Election denial, Incels (also shooters), climate denial, and anti-vaxxing. How many terrorist attacks due to all that and deaths so far? Really makes your list look like a nothing burger. Subjective culture wars fluff vs. MASS death. Hell, even lesser shit like the right's anti-cannabis, anti-birthcontrol, and anti-abortion stances are worse than your silly list. Modern day conservatives kind of take the cake when it comes to batshit fucktards. With an extra splash of backwards bullshit t
  17. Trying to remove the Mickey Mouse copyright because a corporation disagrees with you on something extremely politically subjective is bizarre, and will never stand up in court. Just like the Texas law that violates the first amendment will probably be knocked down again, just like in December. Although neither of those 2 examples are as bad as recently banning hundreds of biographies, history books, and also textbooks that merely mention climate change/vaccines facts. Talk about low IQ. Kinda of makes the "scandal" of Twitter merely enforcing it's TOS seem l
  18. I'm glad it was put on hold because their choice for a leader was dumbshit. And the roll out was poor, they didn't give enough info off the bat on the role of this board. Both sides here can agree on those 2 things. But the board itself isn't problematic, there is no censorship or citizen monitoring. You do know the DHS has already been doing this for years now (even under Trump) right? This was just a more central version of it. All they do is collect, disseminate, and examine Russian/Chinese state actors who spam disinfo. The guys over at DHS who have been doing this for year
  19. Anti-vaxxing and climate denial are worse than lizards, and not that rare among conservatives. And much more dangerous than lizards, or mentioning that gender and sex are different.
  20. So you're not using it in the pedophile sense that several other Republicans are incorrectly using it in?
  21. It is. You guys are incorrectly using that term to incorrectly associate actual grooming with anything LGBQT. It's an old trick. PolitiFact | Why it’s not ‘grooming’: What research says about gender and sexuality in schools Abcarian: 'Groomers' coming for your children? - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) 'Grooming': The ubiquitous buzzword in LGBTQ school debate | AP News Kind of ironic all things considered, Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Pt. 26
  22. Yeah but that's not what they flagged. The math books didn't talk about climate policy or mandates. What triggered her were passaged that said climate change is real. Which is true. Imagine a school book not being allowed to teach facts lol. So lets ban KKK History books! 🤣
  23. The facts surrounding vaccines and climate change are not hotly debated topics. They are settled facts. Grooming them towards climate change, KKK, and vaccines being real lol? Hundreds of the banned books or flags were nonsensical White scared trailer-park mom shit. Like I said one of these reviewers was a GED nutjob part of some weird conservative mom club. Nonsensical. Snowflakes purse clutchers.
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