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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Is this before or after the 2,000+ books Republicans banned over the last year? Or trying to take away DIsney copy rights since they disagreed with FL politicians? Or the new low IQ TX law that violates a corporations first amendment right?
  2. Most people use Microsoft Windows to game on PC. A MS platform. Phil Spencer wins again.
  3. I was responding to your original post, not the goal post move to NPD monthly. There are far more PC(MS) sold than PS5s. As for software sales, PC(MS) beats any one system by large margins. In 2021 PC had 20% MarketShare. Consoles had 28% - and that's a split of 10 systems. Bow down to MS.
  4. They have much worse problems than this. Overwatch 2's biggest problem isn't this nonsense, it's that it comes off as a lazy patch lol. More like Overwatch 1.1. Lazy fucking hacks. And that's all between the molestations, titty milk stealing, suicide, etc. And then you have them not making any real games just bullshit rehashes, phone games, and expansions.
  5. PC numbers are too high to put on the list, and yes it is. MS = XB + PC.
  6. We were literally discussing you deflecting the entire thread. Here is my very first reply to you,
  7. Nice it'll be even better now with an extra year for polish. Cows am cry.
  8. Both Cuntsoles suck at esports, 33ms master RACE.
  9. Don't really liked superhero movies that much, they are mostly shit IMO. But here are some of the ones I like, 1. Dark Knight 2. The Winter Soldier 3. Spider-Man 2
  10. No one gets a PS5 to play competitive gaming seriously, the casual ass Cows won't notice.
  11. Why do you keep whining and deflecting from the original post? You just keep bringing random stuff up. Was Ghostz wrong?
  12. Very rare cases, hot-fixed 99.99999999999999999999999% a long time ago. Weird thread. Bad Timing. Ultimate backfire.
  13. “Players should no longer be seeing issues when it comes to purchases, launching games, or joining Cloud Gaming sessions,” Xbox Support said in a tweet. “Thanks for being patient. Happy gaming!” Thread backfire.
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