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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. I won't even ask why you brought the GOTY non sequitur up (bizarre). So I'll just ask, why did you lie about it? Perhaps you didn't lie and simply forgot that 8 of the 10 last Gamespot GOTYs are on PC, or all 10 if we include emulation?
  2. Xbox Games Pass is 10x better than all that arbitrary stuff. XBOX also has far more hardcore MP competitive games. Phil has your number,
  3. XBL blows PSN out of the WATER! This filthy COW is on some Cope-A-Cola. 🤣
  4. Reboot? What? I'm literally just asking you to finally for once confront the original post of the thread, you've been avoiding it via bullshitting random garbage in circles for 3 pages now. Is this the famous "Jerry go Round"?
  5. When is the next Nintendo console for Gen 9?
  6. Unless I specifically said "fixed by the devs", you have no case here. Pure speculation. And I specified user modifications and tweaks well before the "out of the box post", which you conveniently skipped quoting. Making this all a rather large reach.
  7. What does any of this have to do with you lying about GOTY? That word or any mention of it doesn't even appear in that post. I only agreed to PC getting the worse version of some games Day 1. I never agreed with your wild GOTY claims.
  8. The topic? So does this mean you will attempt to refute Ghostz original post for the first time after deflecting for 3 pages? Lets hear it.
  9. You were drunk or something last night and accidentally posted 2 message in the wrong 2 threads.
  10. That's always what I was referring to, hence saying "fix" instead of "patch". And I clarified it shortly. Well before the "out of the box" post.
  11. Most abortions are done early on when the "baby" is the size of a plum and several months away from a conscious. On top of this, abortion bans/restrictions barely reduce abortion rates - if at all. In fact in some areas it goes up due to the underground abortions. So really none of this makes sense tbh. The meme about a dude committing genocide when jerking off comes to mind.
  12. Substatic


    Overturning Roe is really dumbfuck idiotic 3rd world backwards bullshit. As are the several bans and restrictions that will follow or have already happened recently. Every single study shows this. Abortion bans barely work, and pretty much just end up hurting the mother. Especially poor mothers. But you can't expect conservatives to listen to science and facts. I mean look at climate change or Covid.
  13. Week one user fixes is not out of the box......pretty sure those are two different things to anyone who speaks English. 🤣 Don't skip posts, There's nothing to even debate, we all agreed on a negative of PC gaming of not getting the best version Day 1 on rare occasions. But The Jerry Go Round has to keep up it's schtick. He moved on to randomly lying about GOTY and a weird argument about how best version of multipalts don't matter since they aren't GOTY or some shit? Weird stuff. And wrong. Meanwhile, E
  14. What the hell are you going on about? Did you click the wrong thread or something? You also made this same mistake in another thread 1 minute ago. I gotta ask, did you literally just mix up two front page threads? Are you a fucking retard or something?
  15. I never lied. HERE is a lie though, Proof this weird deflection was lie, Every GameSpot Game Of The Year - GameSpot You tried to say PC's dominance on superior version of multipalts was "not saying much" (your opinion) since they weren't GOTY over the last decade. But at GS, the last decade of GOTY's NEARLY ALL are on PC. 100% if you include Emulation of 2 old easily runnable Nintendo games. 🤣 Even if we exclude those 2, you were so fucking wrong with PC having a vast majority in the last decade (your own subjective
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