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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. What does listing "cutting edge" (whatever that means) games from gen7 onward have to do with winning a Gen8 tally by 140 titles? Nah, I didn't remember it right. Like how you completely remembered the WRONG THREAD even though it was your main source of citation LMAO! But how does getting it wrong by 1 year change the results? PC still obliterated WiiU and Switch combined for Gen8.
  2. His questions had literally nothing to do with the Generation 8 tally...... I thought it was 2019-2021. Instead it was 2018-2020. Oh the humanity my memory isn't god like, meanwhile you got the entire thread wrong and I had to find it for you. I'm glad you acknowledge it has no bearing on the Gen 8 tally.
  3. His question had nothing to do with the Gen 8 tally. And neither did Goku's posts. Your citation is trash. PC won, get over it. We had blood in the streets for single digit gen wins in the past in multiple forums (4) using the same criteria. Now with a triple digit win it's all of a sudden "but did it really win durr hurr!???". Yes you dumb mother fucker, it did. 🤣
  4. My claim is not unsubstantiated. I have citation, Game Reviews, Video Game Reviews - GameSpot Game Reviews, Video Game Reviews - GameSpot Bringing up 3 years of a generation in no way refutes the claim PC won an entire Gen which lasted 8 years. As far as the prior thread, he didn't even attempt to refute the Gen8 win claim. He was asking for "transformative" games from PC. What the fuck? This is just straw-man spam at this point.
  5. Hey bad debater. Found the thread with Goku and his 3 random years that you were actually talking about. The AssScent (XSX/PC) GameSpot review - 6 - Page 5 - System Wars - System Wars No post in any of those 2 threads objectively refutes this statement, It's a bunch of kids picking out 2-3 years of a gen and saying most video games don't count. While all I have to do is give 5 GS links (1 for each platform). I don't have to make any case, the factual data is in display on the site we use. It's like linking a 300 page report wit
  6. This was my post ITT that triggered you, The thread I just found for you (which was difficult since you debate like an 8 year old) doesn't refute the above fact. PC had 140 more AAA/AA games than the second next system in Generation 8. Your "citation" was a flop. To put this into context of how large of a win this was, PC only won by 3 AAA/AA games in Generation 7. And even that little win was cause for tons of gloating and fanfare back in the day at GS. I know, I remember the threads vs VGKING and Carlos.
  7. Oh so I found the thread. It was difficult, you kept saying Goukusan so I kept trying to find "replied to Goukusan". So why did you lie about that? Now on to the thread after I had to do your job for you and find the link, I see no one in that thread countering the objective GS tally. Link me to the post? I just re-read all 3 pages. And I was close to asking GS to check their site for issues after thinking you were possibly right. Oh well.
  8. No I don't, not in detail and obviously incorrectly. But I'm currently searching for it, https://systemwars.net/bb/profile/17162-substatic/content/page/34/?all_activity=1 The only thread I see I posted in December 6th 2020 was, I do not see Goku in that thread. Although I could just be shitty at this sites search feature. Care to just share the link so we can both e-mail Gamespot about their buggy score list?
  9. Post the link. I barely remembered the year it took place. Lets see if you were right and PC lost Gen8. I'd love to re-read the thread.
  10. Can you post the link so I can see Goku showing me PC didn't win the Gen8 GS tally and that my sig GS links are wrong? Thanks.
  11. You're literally the one stalling as need to really cite your claims like I do. You're really bad at debating.
  12. Like I've said several times, give me a link. I clearly don't remember this conversation if I you're saying I don't remember the years. If you want to make claims, provide citation. Maybe you're even right, and I'll agree if you were once the link is provided. You know, how rational debates work. Show me Gokusan proving Gamespot's website is bugged or glitched. This should be very interesting. Until a source is given, you're taking a big L on this one. As I have 2 links and you have nothing, and on a subject purely about data (Gamespot's 2012-2020 review count) proof is
  13. We didn't have an argument about the Gen8 Tally. If you think we did, supply citation. Not sure if you're pretending to be a retard to then say "I trolled him guys!" or if you're actually this dumb.
  14. Link? I did not recall a discussion about 2012-2020 (Gen8) with Goku. If you would provide citation we could get to the bottom of this, and perhaps I can e-mail Gamespot that their search engine is working incorrectly in the case my tally links are wrong. Gen9 started in November 2020. Ninth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia Even if we say Generation 8 was 2012-2021 (not sure why we would....), PC still has a substantial lead at GS. If you can find substantial citation that Generation 8 actually has not ended yet (What the f
  15. That "debate" we had was for 2019-2021. I said Gen8 ITT, which is 2012-2020. You drunk?
  16. Then what the fuck do those date ranges of 2019-2021 (1.5 year of Gen8 and 1.5 year of Gen9) have to do with a factual GS Gen8 (2012-2020) tally? 😂 Eighth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia Ninth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia 🤣 What kind of scuffed retard logic is this.... While this is all a straw-man and deflection as I just showed, can you at least quote it? I remember putting him in a grave. Link dude.
  17. The only argument I remember having with Goukosan was for the 2019-2021 (which is not the start-end Gen8 years, as you know these are arbitrary 2.5 years he plucked out) games counts, and he ended up wrong or was extremely mis-leading at best even on that. If we had a discussion about Gen8 tallies, I would be happy for you to give me a link and/or quote. Really no clue what you're talking about. Without some sort of citation, I'm going to have to stick with GS actual review pages.
  18. Can you quote it if you can't find a link? I really don't recall this, because a link to GS is kind of more important than whatever some rando said. Maybe he was right, can I have a look?
  19. You're not finding citation because we were talking about 1 year of Gen8. Pretty sure you knew this and that's why you aren't linking it. 😉
  20. Cite your claims. Debating 101. P.S. I'm going to keep asking this and you're going to never deliver, because we both know it didn't happen. 😉 You're confused. Me and Goku had a "debate" about 2019-2021, which has nothing to do with a Gen8 tally. And he lost that too btw.
  21. I really don't know what you're talking about. Do you got a link so I can see? Thanks!
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